Open Hours (Summer 2020):
Sunday 10AM – 2 PM
Wednesday 2:30 – 5:30 PM
Open Hours are weekly windows of time in which the Student Organic Garden’s gates will be open. There is at least one SOGA member facilitating each Open Hours. Here is a link to our COVID safety protocol.
Check out our Instagram for weekly updates and to ask any questions!
The primary purpose of Open Hours is for members of the community to learn about garden management and maintenance through hands-on volunteer work. Garden tasks range from planting watermelon seeds in the greenhouse to pruning the fig tree to painting a mural on the side of the tool shed. All garden work is voluntary, and we ask that all new volunteers please sign a liability waiver. We highly suggest wearing closed-toed shoes, sunglasses or hats, and sunscreen when volunteering!
Hang Out
Aside from providing fresh produce to the community and a setting in which to learn about sustainable organic agriculture, the garden is the source of much personal enjoyment for many of us. Open Hours is a time for garden-goers to relax under the gazebo, snack on some plums, and listen to the sounds of pollinators flying from one flower to the next.