SAGB Data Journalism

Storytelling the complex world of numbers in the universal language of sports.

The 2024 NFL Draft Ultimate Deep Dive: An Offensive Bonanza

Aakash Adhia
The 2024 NFL draft seems to be one of the most hyped up draft classes in recent memory and maybe all-time. There has been more coverage for this draft than a lot of previous draft classes, and for good reason... Continue Reading

The NFL's Kicker Problem

Handedness Comparison in Baseball

Is Soccer Losing its Excitement?


April 17, 2023

Welcome to SAGB's mock MLB expansion draft! Pleast listen and enjoy.

February 26, 2023

Big trades and big players. Our boys are here to break it down.

February 17, 2023

GVG is back baby. And with the all star break coming up, we got a lot to talk about!

December 15, 2022

Football, what more can you want?


Homes Away From Home

By Giulia Roy | April 16, 2023

Momentum is everything in basketball. It fuels team confidence, puts the opposing team on the back foot, and often contributes to game-deciding runs. Fans at basketball games are more than spectators. They have the ability to drive momentum. In fact, fans are often said to be the “sixth man” on the court. As any basketball player will tell you, having the whole crowd behind a team is both exhilarating and motivating. It’s no wonder that teams fight so hard to get home court advantage during the playoffs, since playing at home means having the fans’ backing. However, the fans’ support depends heavily on the crowd size. Professional women’s basketball has suffered in this department for several years. Sadly, the average number of people in attendance at WNBA games has been on a relatively constant decline since the creation of the league in 1997.