Open Computing Facility

Board of Directors

Minutes of April 11, 1995 Meeting



Board Members Present:
(7 of the 14 members attended, so a quorum was not achieved.)
Others Present:
Members Absent:
Those on their first consecutive absence and who will be automatically dropped from the board if they miss the next meeting:
Those on their second consecutive absence and who are automatically dropped from the board for missing this meeting:

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm in 120a Bechtel by Jennifer.

Sparc Manager Report

Kenji & Andrew announced that they are having a meeting of people interested in helping set up the OCF sparcs Wednesday at 7pm in the C.S. Undergrad Lounge in Soda Hall and that anyone who wants to help needs to attend or send e-mail to them.

They also reported that they bought two 1.0 gigabyte hard drives for the Sparcs as well as security cabling and locks. They installed one of the drives in an IPC and installed Solaris 2.4 on it. Andrew got DCNS to move one of our ethernet connections in the WEB to the empty slot by heatwave for it and they hope to have it up in a couple of days.

General Manager Report

Jennifer reported that she, Alan, and Erik Agee attended the Fi-Comm budget hearings at which they were asked how much money the OCF wanted next year and why we wanted it. Fi-Comm then voted to give the OCF a preliminary budget allocation of the $11,000 we asked for. The budget still has to pass the ASUC Senate before this amount is finalized though.

Jennifer then discussed spending this year's money. The OCF recently bought paper and toner cartridges for the HP printer. She has e-mailed O'Reilley to accept their terms for their ``Book Recycling'' program to donate books, and renewed the OCF's photocopying account purchase order.

Other Business & General Discussion

Jennifer mentioned that Chris had mailed his writeup of Disk Management Board rules to the Board, but since there was no quorum, all the Board could do was table the issue until next week. Discussion of revisions to the electronic voting bylaws was likewise tabled.

Kenji asked for people to help him and Jennifer make calls to Sun resellers to get price quotes the OCF can use when calculating donation values. Dave Lee volunteered to help, and suggested Thursday as a day to make the calls. Kenji said ``I'm not sure when Thursday is yet.'' Andrew pointed out it was the day after tomorrow, and Kenji agreed that would be a good day.

Jennifer announced that the ASUC warehouse manager called to ask us to get our Sun 3 racks out of his warehouse. She convinced him to let them stay until June, but we need to find a new home for them after that.

Jennifer said that when she asked Tom Waung about the current state of reregistration software, he didn't know what Ari was doing, but he thought it might not happen until Fall Semester.

Site Manager Report

David Shih reported that IS&T changed the WEB door code after some security problems in the WEB.

The meeting was closed at 8:00 pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 18, 1995 in 120a Bechtel Hall) at 7 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Alan Coopersmith, OCF Secretary