OCF Board Meeting 11-3-99 Wednesday 104 Dwinelle notes and onlining by kenao Ken Ott /kenao Steve McCamant /smcc Suzie Tang /suztang Bem Jones-Bey /ajani Eugene Chan /ceugene Eugene Kim /eek Akop Pogosian /akopps Kaliya Young /kaliya Devin Jones /jones Meeting start time 17:15PST SM-type-stuff: - weekend 3 hour tape backup each way (6 total) - Sun gui raid application - for mail disks, mirrored (web disks are striped) - 18:32PST: have quorum - for next week: names policy w/ amendment - of names, by staff discretion, and name-switching can only happen one-way (to real-name-based) - Bem: qt & licq & blackbox. qt: guilib is troublesome. php, mysql, ssl. http/secure funneled "ftp." GM ish: - need to apply pressure to building operations via Tom Cordi to get lab going. - Papademitrio of CS, 8-10 workstations, 15-20k$ - Jobs fair. Need info on 10-20 companies, send your info to gm@ocf before next board meeting for next jobs fair (IE-info economy fair) Meeting end time 18:01PST