The Open Computing Facility BOD Meeting

22 August 2000
Started at 18:20 PDT (-0700 UTC/GMT)

Board of Directors Members Present:

Minutes Anyone?
Steve pointed out that SOMEONE had to take notes of the meeting. Bem said that no one likes his minutes. After much bickering, Jeff opened up a Notepad window and decided to take the notes.

PO is No Go (The SM Report)
Bem and Akop had some arcane discussion about Trojan SSH, with references to stolen passwords dating back to March. According to Bem, this Trojan SSH was used on PO.EECS and passwords were compromised. They are not going to reinstall the program because there is not enough time before school starts. EECS is keeping this under the rug. Bem broke his password so no one really knows if EECS is telling anyone about this. Steve questioned if this should go into the minutes. Jeff decided to type it in anyway.

"Are we back to OCF yet?" - Ken
Back to OCF. We have a lot of stuff we have to get rid of. This stuff is sitting in the hallway in Barrows. No one really cares about this junk. So we continued to talk about if for 10 minutes. Possible locations for our junk include the basement on Eshleman.

Current Biz
There have been requests for increased quotas. That would be nice, but we don't have space on the drives. Next.

Steve Gets Us Back on Course
He starts with a brief history of disk space as OCF. Then it turns into a long history. DUMB (Disk Usage Management Board -- consisting of three people) is dredged up. Last year we had four people, not three. Oh my! We then converted to just having one person. Normally called the Disk Czar. The merits of Czar vs. Czarina is debated.

"Holy Shit!" - Primrose
Primrose wonders if that the TDA will offer us with abundant disk space. She is informed that it is not hooked up. When she sees the TDA, the makes the remark that heads this paragraph. Lofty dreams of endless disk space were talked about. Then the whole gay porn issue from last semester was brought up. Things went downhill from there...

OCF Elections
Steve explains how OCF elections work. Having the SM deal with all disk storage issues is floated. Akop (the current SM) is less than thrilled about this idea. People start to drift in different directions. From left to right, Jason is surfing the web. I am typing the minutes. Ken is looking at my website for some strange reason. EugeneC is playing counterstrike. SteveM is trying to figure out how many people make quorum. I can't tell what everyone else is doing, but it doesn't seem to be productive.
Jason determines that quorum is 8. There are 8 people from board here. So Primrose is nominated for Disk Czarina by Bem. Gabe seconds. Everyone votes yes.

Slogging Along the Pseudo-Agenda
Steve brings back the topic of the junk we have. He was playing in the junk earlier today and noticed that we have a lot of valuable stuff. Most of our useless stuff consists of obsolete monitors. All of the Digital Equipment Corp related material can go. We should save the SUN keyboards and mice and the remaining IPXes and IPCs. For some obscene reason, Bem braided three power cables together. This generated more discussion than it should have.

The Next Topic in the Agenda
Steve notes that he is trying to keep the meetings under one hour. It is currently 19:05. As for opening the lab. First, we have to get the SUN machines up and running. Second, we have to the Athlon machines going. Some raise the question as to why we need Windows machines. "The OCF isn't just for geeks anymore" is the argument that is raised. With our current lab location we are going to try to attract all kinds of users, and most of these users will be Windows users. The CSUA is for the geeks.

Security Issues
How to we verify users who are not in the country? In the past, people were required to send in photocopies of their IDs, but this is easy to fake. Maybe everyone should learn PGP. Insert PGP tangent here.

"Ken, you would look SO good with makeup on!" - Primrose
This is the low point of the meeting, as far as being on topic.

OCF Nomenclature
The system for naming all the OCF machines is explained. We either need more "acts of God" for our extra IPs or a whole new naming scheme. Bem moves that we submit new names under the current system. Vote: Yea - 4 Nay - 2 Ob - 1

The Board of Directors
Jeremy is added to BOD. No one has any problems with this. Ken wonders out loud if one can leave the BOD. No one takes him seriously.

Scheduling the Next Meeting
This will be determined after everyone gets their schedules in order.

Meeting closed at 19:35. Motion by Gabe, seconded by Bem.

Recorded by Jeff Emrich (jeffe).