Bod meeting: 8/30/2000 minutes by Bem Ajani "Badass mutha" Jones-Bey Attendance: Bod: calman gmg ceugene kaow ajani jones akopps jjlin suztang ivan smcc not-it: eek mikeh Ian Jones rbashar pboynton wyc GM report Gateways and suns are out on the tables. Security is in progress. Lots of bitching from people ensues. Everyone has something to cry about. Need to drill holes in tables for the security guys to put in cords. The windows will be tinted. They want to put ladders on the tables. A pool was started to see whether or not the tables would fall. No one wanted to take responsibility to run the pool, so if you want to run it, mail bod@ocf Thinking of putting blinds on the windows to keep us from frying. Want to get A/C so that the computers don't fry. Calman says the StarOffice sucks Phatty. He wants to buy WordPerfect Office. akopps says that we should keep the boxes windows unless there is more demand for the Linux boxen. Calman wants to use UNIX on the gateways because they are better machines than the suns. All of his concerns were then added to new business in order to get on with the meeting. We have 4 signatories. No one has gone to an orientation. smcc needs to go and sign paperwork and all that stuff. It was then announced that it looks like we have corum this meeting. There was a sort interlude for kaow to get his pen back and for pboynton to insult calman. jones says that we are an official student group via SAS, but not theough ASUC at the moment. We have lots of money. our major money is from the eschelman master plan. smcc says something that I don't understand. ivan is volunteering to become a signatory to keep one of us from having to sit through a meetiong. SM Report Decal is alive. The decal guy lost all of the old e-mails and stuff like that. He's working on it. CPU fans should be coming. smcc looked at mail today, and there were no fans. akopps ordered it again on monday and ordered it via UPS, and all they have is UPS ground -- place is in NJ, which is a Bad Thing(tm). We should look locally to see if we can actually get it sometime soon. We really need them because the ultra 1's are overheating. Most of them have bad CPU fans. Called the Police department to look at the door, submit a report, and hopefully get the broken firedoors to get fixed. We are ordering hubs and not switches, because we are expecting a donation fro cisco. It will most likely take 2 months. We don't need the switches now -- we still have 10MB uplink, etc. Will be working on playing with sun's PC netlink package to get our windows boxen to talk to suns. OLD Business Hostnames for our IP addresses: we don't have enough for all the ultra 1's and the TDA. Last meeting, we decided that we should keep our current naming scheme. akopps asks if we should keep the Mars by 2012 server because of lack of IP address. Do we have enough IP's for when we move everything to heller? MIS guys came by looking for ken, according to gmg. They wanted to talk about IP's. They said that we have *.200 and up. Not sure if we have all the way up to 255. Going to see if anyone is using those addresses. We miscalculated corum at the last meeting. Need to revote on things. Should we revote on the disk czar? Going to do voice vote. we oscillate between voice and written vote. It was decided on voice vote because written was stupid. And we don't think that gmg has any good ideas anyway. some dumbass in the corner neighed. Idiot. pboynton is disk czar by acclimation, because we don't care about morons in the corner. They should be shot. wyc and calman are fighting like little girls. ceugene said something about some guy from a student group asking if we could give net access to pauley ballroom for some religious event in 2 weeks. jones says no. And that richard watson should know about the nettap that already exists in pauley. We need to vote on keeping the current naming scheme. (motion from last week) calman wants to know how we decide on the names. He wants to hold off until we actually have some sort of plan. the bod has no sense of humor. I hate them. I hate them all. I'll kill them. I will. I really will. With a spoon. Messily and tastily. mmmmmm. Blood. Yummy. calman motions to keep the current naming scheme and voting on suggested names now. jones motions that we do a web based selection/voting system in two phases to decide tha naming scheme and names for machines. note to self: beat up calman at the soonest opportunity. He has insulted my honor. vote on motions in the order they were brought up. Voice vote decided on. calman's motion passes. jones retracts his motion. calman moves that we have two seperate subsets of the naming scheme -- one for the suns, the other for the gateways. akopps argues that this may be short sighted. IF we get more machines, what do we do then? smcc says that we should have two categories that are subsets of acts of God and pilot error. akopps goes on and everyone rebuts him. smcc clarifys again. eg: Two different types of acts of God people just won't shut the fuck up. voice vote, finally. Thank God. to damn close. hand vote decided. results: 6 for. 4 opposed. 0 abstentions. motion passes. random stupid motions are brought up and the people involved are summarily executed. we decide to do this again in the next meeting. gmg moves that we set up a committe to come up with the way we divide the name space. jones seconds with the amendment that calman (black midget steve) be in charge of this committee. voice vote, as usual. It passes. calman is overwhelmed and bursts into tears, thanking the academy. how will we select the committee. jones moves that it will be a volunteer committee of people who can put up with calman. gmg seconds. pboynton loves a man with a long life battery. calman makes a thinly veiled vibrator joke. voice vote. This is actually the third time. Whoopdie doo. it passes. finally. everyone and thei mother seems like they want to be on the group. calman seems to be very much loved. He should be happy. People should mail calman if they want to be in on the action, and then everyone can decide when they want to do it. New business buying corel office: star office sucks. calman goes off on this effect. akopps says that microsoft office kicks both of the other guys asses. akopps says no on commercial software for Linux when we haven't decided if we are going to run Linux. decided to vote on whether or not to run Linux first. calman gives a speach. About not letting users reboot the system all the time. So we should have a few systems dedicated to Linux and the rest of the gatewyas windows to keep it simple and usuable for everyone. the secretary yawns. ceugene moves that users should be able to reboot. wyc tell proves that he is the Pimp Ninja of the OCF, and shuts ceugene down. calman moves that we have 2 -3 machines that run Linux exculsively. ajani seconds. akopps argues that we may have people just using the Linux machines ane empty windows machines. calman asks for the mercy of the BoD. ajani moves that we do this vote by hands. results: 6 in favor. 1 opposed 2 abstentions motion passes. Now we are going back to buying copies of corel office. akopps says stuff against corel. calman and ajani yell loudly against it. We all squabble for a while. motion is for the SM to buy 1-3 copies of corel office. voice vote. it passes. The ayes have it. Yet again. Does this BoD of sheep ever not pass anything? Jeez. Bunch of total morons, I say. calman gives a speach about wanting to be adminsitrator of Linux systems. smcc thinks it's a bad idea for BoD to vote on who gets root. Maybe we should do this at the general meeting. akopps agress with smcc that it should be the SM's decision. motion withdrawn. jones moved that his brother be given an account. To help him work on a sysadmin traning project. Summary: jones has been putting together a lot of documents. Worked on putting together a book of all of the help sessions that the CSUA gave. Wanted to expand it to a course that normal UNIX users could use to become OCF sysadmins, etc. gmg seconds. talk about potentially expiring the account. jjlin suggested a amendment to jones' motion: ian's (devin's brother) account will expire if he doesn't do anything. jones does not accept it as a friendly amendment. there is lots more pointless discussion. bla bla bla. these people can talk forever. good lord. jones substitute amendment is that the account will be disabled if he doesn't do anything in the next semester. jjlin retracts his amendment. I'm going to kill you all. With tofu. Lots of tofu. voice vote. motion carries. other new business is moved to next meeting. time and place of next meeting? cannot reserve rooms for times before 7pm until september 11th. pros and cons of meeting in the lab are discussed. next meeting heller lab, 6pm, tuesday september 5th. BoD elections: wyc rbashar voice vote. They both are voted on board. meeting closed by the will of the calman. Q.E.D.