I know you've all been waiting with baited breath for this moment. here they are, in all their glory -- the Bod meeting minutes! -- -=- Bem Ajani Jones-Bey -=- ajani@ocf.berkeley.edu -=- "I tried to live on love once, and damn near starved to death." -- James Phillips Bod meeting 11/16/2000 Attendance: Bod: jtsai ceugene pboynton kenao akopps bac drew gmg calman wyc jjlin suztang ajani Other: chialea Brian Buchannan eek jeffe ---- GM report: Senate is busy with VP Resignation, not with us. End. Fin. SM report: Null (psyche): Akopps not in Berkeley next week His will leaves Barrows hall key with someone. Who? ajani! ajani! He's only an hour away. Heller will be closed friday at 6pm for the Big Game. Barrows is the place to be during Big Game. Old Business: Printer Supplies: No paper/Toner last week smcc - we need reliable printing. Can we figure out if we're out of paper or toner before we run out? If we don't it's because we "pass the buck". Is equipment the SM's job? yep. SM must nominate someone or ask Board to nominate someone or do it himself. Must take initiative. akopps nominates ajani. The two argue. akopps asks for nominations. Much bickering over toner ensues. Apparently we recently got two cartridges from Outpost for $230. ajani asks for job description. smcc describes: monitor supplies, order paper, toner. ajani suggests that akopps just do it -- it's not that hard. Blame will now fall on akopps. Alumni Accounts: Didn't do anything about this before, as there wasn't quorum. calman asks about policies on this -- will it hurt funding? we're adcvertised as for students. Consensus is that it will not Issue confirmation - one particular alum wants an account: should we allow this for her or all alumni? Jaqueline introduced. Dog introduced. wyc asks about overpopulation in lab. ajani suggests doing this on a case-by-case basis. akopps and ceugene mention alumni association money ajani suggests to do it case-by-case, then approach the alumni association about potentially allowing all alumni access. smcc states that this reeks of charging money. calman moves that we create Jaqueline's account. ajani seconds, and the motion passes. Drew stirs things up! New Business: Login Name policy: smcc mentions his login name checking perl scripts. Currently login name policy has much that is oral tradition. Login name should be approximately half based on user's real name. How much do we want to formalize this? the oddities of the perl script are then discussed. wyc brings that some people's real names are different from their American names. Can we accomidate this? smcc says to put real names in OCF Real Name field. calman moves that we table this until next week. ajani seconds. Picking Good Passwords: do we need to require good passwords? resounding no because people forget things anyway. can set up computer to check for englidh words and other weak passwords. ajani says that we can enforce good passwords, but not to decide to do so now. We should instead have a flame war over e-mail. Requiring SSH: ajani: too hard for users? We have easier software. akopps: problem is ftp. ajani: there is a graphical scp for windows ceugene: this also exists on the mac. And there was much bickering. suztang moved to table. jeffe seconded. Scheduling Next Meeting: It's the week after next. It will be a general meeting. there is much movement. Bod Nominations: eek, jeffe passes, one nay, 3 abstentions gmg moves to close calman seconds