Following are BoD minutes for November 9. Enjoy! BoD minutes: November 9, 2000 Signed in: jeffe ceugene gmg eek suztang ivan jshen jjlin stephhou cpfeyh jtsai akopps pboynton smcc drew bac ajani calman QuotD: Fault? Nader/Gore 7:15: present: jtsai akopps pboynton jjlin smcc pfeyh stephhou jshen suztang calman Jaquline Bradley Who will take minutes? pboynton will, that's who. GM report: Smcc, pfeyh went to the ASUC meeting. Ivan presented our bill, which did not pass. 7:20: ajani drew bse grace us with their presences Calman mentions our career fair history, need for money, and devin's absence. Ajani discusses devin's new job and suggests a bod/staff member (or 2) plan the fair. Job fair, account forms postponed to new business. PRR for Air Conditioning put through, but progress looks dismal and the issue is out of our hands. SM report: Akopps is working with SSH and the Gateways. Private attachment agreement has been sent out. Screenlocks will not be activated, unless done by hand (this is in CDE). Disadvantages of CDE discussed. Staff is requested to check people's sessions and log them out if they are not in session. Three new staff members have joined. Akopps suggested staff meetings. 7:30: gmg shows his face around these here parts. Chaos ensues. Smcc suggests a gavel, violence. Chaos abruptly stops. Old Business: Moneytalk--Asuc may give us $12000 outright and a $12000 loan. They request loan payback by a jobs fair. Smcc talks about the necessity of a career fair. Pfeyh points out the time, person-power (Person Power! Down With The Animals/Plants/Fungi/Protists/Prokaryotes! Yeah!) required for a jobs fair. Devin is proposed as the Jobs Fair God (tm), to whom we all owe our lives. 7:35: patricia arrives to save us all from the torment of our souls Ajani points out that this will be feasible if and only if everyone cooperates. Committees are needed. He points out HESS and BESSA's previous jobs fair successes. Advertising is needed for volunteer recruitment. Teeny-tiny fonts of signes discussed. Ajani mentions signs saying we're student run and do this out of the kindness of our hearts and are under- appreciated and sometimes have fantasies of wacking people. Pfeyh says that we need to decide whether or not jobs fair is happening. Drew, bse say that 98 could be installed on athalons and gaming/tournament parties could be fundrasing. Smcc says look into that. Calman points out infeasibility of plan including room capacity, limited profits, kicking out legit users. Drew and bse are shot down like a lemur from the sky. Smcc appeals to the BoD: Do we want the Asuc's deal or not? It's 24 grand, and we must have a jobs fair (iff jobs fair makes more than 12k). Ajani suggests working with CollegeHire. 7:50: Ivan flies in through the window, adjusts his cape, and sits down. Ivan says that the loan is due in May, the jobs fair must be done by April, and Asuc needs a response by Monday. Calman, suztang, gmg decide to co-head-committee the jobs fair. Ivan says that expense compensation will be decided after the fair, and that the committee needs to decide on a budget. Suztang points out Bioinformatics needed. We all point out that she's on the committe now, and can use the power for her own evil gains. Pfeyh moves we vote on the Asuc offer. Ajani seconds. Ivan says that our ballpark AC fee is approximate, and Pfeyh says we have no AC price on paper. We vote on Pfeyh's motion. It passes by acclimation. Ajani motions that we create a head committee consisting of calman, suztang, gmg, that will be responsible for planning and execution of a career fair before April 2001 for the OCF. This committee has the authority to create a budget for board approval, after which they are authorized to spend money. Bse seconds the above overly wordy motion. The motion passes by acclimation. on Locking Things Up: Gmg says that the server room is always locked up in the morning. This is good. We blame kenao or jeffe for the goodness, but they are not there to take the blame. Smcc says that the filing cabinet should be locked and the lockbox should go next to the filing cabinet. Multiple silly jokes about the OCF, Al Gore, and lockboxes flow from Ajani's lips. Smcc also says the labs are not usually locked, and only one key is in the lockbox on the South end of HELLer. Akopps would like the server room to be off-limits in future for everything that does not involve sysadmin work. Ajani is thrown out the window for now overly old lockbox jokes. Applause rings true from within and without the hallowed halls of Dwinelle. Ivan mentions that he spoke with Tom Cordy, and talked about some of our issues. For instance, akopps and pfeyh will be informed of future HELLer closures. Cordy is also willing to change HELLer access policies so that alumni with card ID can enter. New Business: Account forms: Form sample is passed around. Possible things to change include the forms indimidating nature (it has lots of stuff on it). Many BoD drones say that the form is good. Gmg moves to use the new form, and ajani, once again conscious, seconds. Smcc points out staff check boxes on the new form, and that a seperate form for groups is in the works. Gmg's motion: it passes with flying colors. There is much rejoicing. Lost and Found: A formal L&F is needed. We do have a box in the server room, but this is apparently not *good* enough for some people. The new box will be labeled and staff will be trained in its usage. Software for Staff on Gateways: Some software has been found on the Gateways that has been deleted and re- installed. This includes everyone's favorite bandwidth-sucker, Napster. Smcc asks why we have staff-only software on these machines. The consensus is that software should be for everyone. Except maybe Eudora. Eudora is special. It should be only for administrators. We discuss the possibility of making Eudora for all, and Napster for administrator. And The Akopps spake thus: "Napster Bad. Bandwidth Good." And it was good. Apparently, CNS does not like bandwidth suckage, and may instill a bandwidth cap. Ajani says that napster is not really needed in the lab, and akopps says that we are mainly concerned with CNS squooshage. Smcc says that for our purposes, napster is generally a Bad Thing (tm). No more new business Smcc moves to end the meeting, and gmg seconds. We vote. We leave. And it was good.