OCF BOD Meeting ñ 18 January 2001


Who Was There:


BOD Members

Akopps Akop Pogosian

Bac Brett Cannon

Calman Stephen Callahan

Ceugene Eugene Chan

Cpfeyh Patrick Feyh

Drew Andrew Cheng

Eek Eugene Kim

Gmg Gabe Gonzalez

Jeffe Jeff Emrich

Jjlin Jeremy Lin

Jtsai John Tsai

Kenao Ken Ott

Lia Alethea Marti

Smcc Stephen McCamant


Non-BOD Members

Mgoodman Mark Goodman

Pboynton Primrose Boynton



Meeting starts at 7:14pm PST. Jeffe agrees to take notes.


GM Report:

OSL/SAS group registration is almost complete. We are almost a registered group, but they have to check our constitution. The original constitution dates back to 1992 but it has been amended since then to meet the latest requirements. The OSL has to check this by hand to verify.


Both GMs now have access codes for Heller. A phone order was placed for adding a campus phone to the Heller lab. Some wonder the cost effectiveness of having a campus phone since many staff members have cell phones. The board decides to see how much the phone costs before actually installing it.


SM Report:

The E250 server has been setup with Solaris 8. The rackmount kit for this server costs around $450, so it may be better to just go with standard shelves. The SCSI cards and keyboards are expensive as well. Big surprise coming from Sun. CNS says that it will take at least two months to get upgraded networking (some cryptic reference to the Sproul router).


Smcc and Akopps talk at great length about what can be done with the new E250. Since Death may die within the next few days, perhaps we should replace it with the E250, reasons Smcc. Using the 9GB disks from the TDA to increase the E250ís disk space is discussed. The reliability of the disks is brought into question. Drew notes that some disks have an uptime of only several days. Smcc states that perhaps this should be discussed in more detail at a staff meeting.


Discussion about the Budget which Morphs into a Debate About the Printer

We have $5600 left for the rest of the year. This will limit how much we can spend on printing and raises questions about fundraising. The $30 inkjet printer Drew bought from Albertsonís is brought up. The life of our current printer is determined to be 100,000 pages, which Smcc notes that the printer will not ìimplodeî at this point, but will rather be due for a major service.


Printer Quotas -- Just a Pipe Dream?

Should we have a printer Czar? In the past, peopleís accounts would be deep-sixed if they printed too much. We went through 5 toner cartridges, so we should probably order 6 for the coming semester and then order more if we need it. We shouldnít order too many toner carts in case the current printer dies, or else we would end up with a room full of useless toner carts, much like our current situation. This matter is discussed in mind numbing detail, down to the level of where all the paper and toner should be purchased. Costco and Outpost.com are thrown around.


The Socio-Economic Impacts of Krispy Kreme

If the printer supplies are purchased from Costco then people can buy Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Bac: ìBut Krispy Kreme is not on the way to Costco.î Drew: ìNo, Iím talking about the Fremont Costco.î Drew: ìAh, so who wants to make a roadtrip down to the Fremont Costco tomorrow?î Smcc: ìWell, at some point we will have to worry about were to store all this stuff.î Kenao: ìWe can just stack it in the server room.î Gmg: ìBut thatís not earthquake safe.î Ceugene: ìWe can store it in Barrows.î Cpfeyh: ìAccess to Barrows is difficult with all the construction.î


Smcc Puts us Back on Course

Smcc wonders exactly who is volunteering to do what. The room is completely silent. Drew says he is willing to buy paper at Costco tomorrow, but his credit is at the limit. Wyc agrees to pay for it. It is decided that toner should be bought from Outpost.com with a Purchase Order and that the number ordered shall be six. No more, no less. No seven, although it is prime. No five, because it is too few. When we get down to two, we can order six more.


USB Scams

Smcc brings up what will be done with the scanner that we have sitting idle in the lab. Calman states that he bought the current USB cable for the scanner, but since he lost the receipt, he doesnít want to ìdonateî it to OCF and therefore he will take it home. Drew notes that such a cable can be bought at a computer show for $2. Calman says that he paid $20 for it. Jeffe offers to buy the USB cable from Calman for $2.


Jobs Fair (Anti?)Progress

Calman states that he will start the website for the jobs fair, but then make Kenao do all the real work. Gmg is in charge of contacting the companies that we want to show up at the fair. Suztang is researching/contacting backers. Gmg says that we are shooting for 40 companies. Calman says that we would want to raise $30,000. The date of the fair will be around the first of April. Since startups are have some trouble, we may have to look for a larger market, and include companies such as Biotech. Insert fight between Calman and Ceugene over the future of SGI.


So, When is the Next Meeting?

Cpfeyh motions that the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at 6pm. Bac seconds. All BOD members agree. Meeting ends at 8:32pm. Jeffeís Vaio battery dies right now.