Open Computing Facility (OCF) Board of Directors (BoD) Meeting 18 September 2003 minutes by In Attendance (name - login - position) Elliot - elliot - secretary Will - wharris Yonathan - yonasfaw Nick - njstahl Shiva - shivab Rupert - rupertc Karl - karlchen (soon to be 'quarl') Akop Pogosian - akopps - Site manager Devin Jones - jones - Site manager Patrick Feyh - cpfeyh David - remlluf Gabriel Gonzalez - gmg Bem Jones-Bey - ajani Kaisen Lin - kaisenl Solitaire - sajmm Adrian - adrian Eleen - eleen - General manager Jimmy - jkit - General manager BoD Members Present (name - login) Eleen - eleen Jimmy - jkit Devin - jones Akop - akopps Patrick - cpfeyh Solitaire - sajmm Elliot - elliot BoD Members Not Present (name - login) Jun - kitajun [first non-attendance] People Elected to BoD This Meeting (takes affect next meeting) (name - login) Will - wharris Yonathan - yonasfaw Nick - njstahl Karl - karlchen (soon to be 'quarl') David - remlluf Gabriel Gonzalez - gmg ---- "Pre-Meeting" Personal Introductions - Name, year, major and OCF position of everyone Password Policy - Out of state has to fax copy of drivers license and ID - this policy has already been articulate on our website - or mail/fax desired password Site Manager (SM) Report - Devin's been orienting people - would love to hear new ideas - Projects - training - website redesign - trying to figure out - what needs to be done - by wheen - who does it - Akop - openssh security upgrade done - sendmail issues and upgrade - patrick moved monitors to math dept. Posting Office Hours - Talked about instructions for using the whiteboard - top drawer of filing cabinet has markers - Office Hours File - /home/s/st/staff/staff_hours Board of Directors Meeting Starts (even though it technically could have started earlier since quorum had been achieved) (quorum = 2/3 of BoD or 5 members, whichever is greater) (7/8 were present) (7/8 > 2/3) Disk Management - Chris Weber (Berkeley Science Review) - From the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab - is the editor of the Berkeley Science Review (BSR) - Wants an OCF account to serve as a document management system - system would serve press-ready documents for magazine publications - i.e. huge, high dpi documents - system would need to support uploading and editing text and images - Disk Space Options for Them - 300 megs - do-able but a hassle for them - 2 gigabytes to 5 gigabytes - What they'd ideally like - Our servers are currently running at about 30% hard disk capacity, but this is given that very few users are taking advantage of their webspace quota. - Akop: "Why does this need to be on our webserver?" - (as opposed to ftp, etc.) - Web interface is ideal for them, publically accessable, used by non computer professionals. - Are they a legitimate campus organization? - yes, they're a student official publication - Are they for profit? - doesn't seem like it, ad-supported campus publication - Will the OCF benefit from giving them an extra-large account? - They said they could acknowledge the OCF on "the masthead" - Potential Issues - If we give BSR more space, will other people demand more space? - Who sponsors the BSR? - Where would the space go? - web interface - BSR writes the document management software - or Devin helps them find some open source software. - Do we have the server resource? (CPU, HD space/bandwidth, network bandwidth) - yes - if they trash the server resources we can limit them [Quick review of BoD policy happened] - What is quoroum - Need quorum to vote - Who is on BoD this mtg. - you have to have been voted in previously - If you miss two consecutive meetings you're automatically ejected [Discussion of Berkeley Science Review resumed] - Motion to give BSR one (1) gigabyte of space - seconded. - Motion passes 5/7 BoD members present - In Favor [name (login)] - Devin (jones) - Eleen (eleen) - Patrick (cpfeyh) - Solitaire (sajmm) - Elliot (elliot) - Against - Akop (akopps) - Jimmy (jkit) - Regents' and Chancellor's Scholars Association (RCSA) - Wants to increase account size to 350 megabytes - more space for pictures - Wants - registration pages used to volunteer online - text - pics - elliot objects to giving them 350megs just for pictures - motion to give 350mb passes (6/7) - In Favor [name (login)] - Eleen (eleen) - Jimmy (jkit) - Devin (jones) - Akop (akopps) - Solitaire (sajmm) - Patrick (cpfeyh) - Against - Elliot (elliot) End of Disk Management Section - Cleaning - People are taking over Barrows - we have to get our stuff out - dungeonous room - lots of old records down there we need to clean out - postpone discussion until further time - discuss this over mailing list - equipment - old equipment - whose property, us or ASUC? - Calendar - Sept 26 - Barrows - Sept 27 - Barrows/OCF Lab - Sept 28 - OCF Lab (and Server Room) - Old books in bookcase - Old and useless? - Devin and Akop will handle - Publicity - Tabling - E-Mail Spam - Whom do we want for staff? - anyone? - only OCF members? - Recruit out of computer science classes? -Tabling - Bem says tabling has worked really well in the past - Is anyone willing to table? - Will and Adrian free (9/19/03) - Patrick and Eleen free for part of time (9/19/03) - Do we have tabling materials? - Devin will make - You have to register to table - Eleen will register to table - Some people don't know the OCF exists - why is why the general public might not be such a bad idea, because there are just as many informed users out there as are already signed up - Google Groups Message Board - - New Account Creation Process - Should we modify the way accounts are made? - Current system: - any staff can approve - once approved, root staff can create the account - Why current 2-step process? - checks and balance - limits people making weird accounts/ more accounts (eg get around quota) - Why change process? - Is it for the benefit of the users or the benefit of the staff? - web based account signup makes it easier for users - can do it @ any time - esp. times without staff - avoid losing lab users who are disappointed because of account creation delay - Can we streamline it for a fast process? - online approval? - have account created as soon as approved and then double checked later? - via CalNet? - Akop - some people oppose CalNet because it is strict about account conventions - Patrick - what data does CalNet allow you to collect or not collect? - CalNet - Should anyone with a CalNet ID be able to get an account? - It's possible to get a CalNet ID even if you're not student, faculty, staff - Calnet IDs don't expire immediately - Easier to fake a CalNet ID since someone's not sitting there looking at your picture - Can we get real info from AWS (CalNet)? - No - only SID and UID - no way to check their info, AWS keeps all the info except releasing a public SID and UID - Gabe will look into technical CalNet issues and e-mail staff@OCF - Staff Training - Website change - project lists - what you need to do - linked to list of who's qualified - how to do it - use project list as exciting recruitment tool? - automate the project list somehow? - HOWTOs - Devin - likes the idea, willing to help - doesn't want the project page to be on the OCF front page - Akop - should it be password protected? - maybe make TODO list public - walkthroughs private - Public TODO vs private TODO - collect all of the random FAQs scattered around the disks - Eleen has basic FAQ - info in /home/sm/smcc - files in /home/s/st/staff - anyone can add to it - write down your questions - Chartering someone to organize lists and content - Devin - make sure everyone knows where everything is - use revision version control or automated content management to manage all this info? - compare different procedures - many different versions of the same stuff - Canned Responses to E-mails - pre-written - users don't read FAQs or message boards - separate list of FAQ - we need to find old info - treasure hunting through the network - spam what you find to staff@OCF - compare different procedures - compiling the different materials together - Eleen will compile - Constitution - Patrick - Updating the constitution - especially regarding multiple GMs? - we need to follow constitutional process in order to change the constitution - we need prinouts and someone fluent in the constitution - Nick (njstahl) volunteers - told to mail psb@OCF with questions - Who Wants to be on BoD? - (name - login) - Will - wharris - Yonathan - yonasfaw - Nick - njstahl - Karl - karlchen (soon to be 'quarl') - David - remlluf - Gabriel Gonzalez - gmg - Existing BoD elects the above new members (takes effect next meeting) - Bring BoD list to every meeting. Eleen motions to close Devin seconds the motion End of Meeting