OCF Board of Directors (BoD) Meeting 30 October 2003 Tonight's BoD Present (y/n)? --------------------------------------- akopps n jkit y eleen y geo y remlluf y cpfeyh y jones y elliot y sajmm n yonathan n mbh y njstahl n phlee y kitajun n Total members: 14 Needed for Quorum: 10 Present: 9 Tonight is First Consecutive Absence ----------------------- akopps sajmm yonathan njstahl kitajun Tonight is Second Consecutive Absence --------------------------------- (n/a) Present but not on BoD --------------------------------------- kaisenl BoD for Next Meeting Name Absenses going into this mtg ---------------------- akopps 1 jkit eleen geo remlluf cpfeyh jones elliot sajmm 1 yonathan 1 mbh njstahl 1 phlee kitajun 1 Total Members: 14 Needed for Quorum: 10 -------------------------------- Minutes GM Message Paper and toner Paper and toner is located in the big filing cabinet next to the desk and printer The key to this cabinet is in the lockbox near the medium sized filing cabinet Printing Alias We've been using the pimp@OCF e-mail We should start using the printing@OCF e-mail printing@OCF used to bounce messages sent to it this has been fixed Wireless Access ASUC wirelesss has been set up by Fullmer It's done but is not ready yet because it has to "gel" This wireless is not airbears It's not a closed network, it should just show up on your computer without special access Air Conditioning Was supposededly fixed but is actually not Jimmy is working on it If you need AC but the circuit breaker has tripped, e-mail sm@OCF or gm@OCF Account Names Put the exact name off of UCB ID onto the account forms and into the approve script Must have the full name off the card, feel free to add nicknames, but *no less than full name from ID card* This problem will be solved soon by using CalNet user IDs - Using CalNet, full name is not private info - Eventually we'll have login via CalNet and be able to reset password online Printer Settings Users currently have ability to delete their printer settings, especially on the Macs How do we restrict modification to printer settings? Paper Theft Don't let users steal paper from the printer. Scanner We have a good scanner. It works. It's hooked up to the Dell in the Southwest corner SM Message Do we have toner on order? (Unknown/No answer) Is there a way to check how many pages have been printed using current toner cartridge? - There is an absolute page counter, you can record how many pages have been printed when you replace the cartridge - Then subtract that number from the number of pages currently printed When was the last time the printer was serviced? No one knows. A staff member got mad and quit OCF staff Good for him. Getting more responsibility and access at OCF jones: If you're in the lab enough and it would be useful there's no problem getting more access If you use it for the power for good. Reading logs and have access = no problem E-mail Devin or talk to him at meetings ASUC Cluster 1 computer has been installed in ASUC cluster Couldn't figure out how to make other computers work Devin has decide he hates NIS+ and wants to do away with it. NIS+ Replacement: LDAP NIS+ is old and unsupported. Documentaiton doesn't make sense, and there is no documentation on OCF's implementation of NIS+ LDAP is NIS+'s replacement. LDAP is: - Being used by campus to distribute public and private info - Better. - Useful for other things like - Authentication with CalNet - Allowing users to self-service password changes There are other people on campus working on LDAP Devin will also work on it There is a campus committee on LDAP Not only for CalNet Just about LDAP in general There's a majordomo list LDAP is built into new Microsoft software - Is it made by microsoft? - It's supported by Microsoft and Apple - Designed to be interoperable between systems - So we don't have to make homegrown connections (i.e. between NIS+ and Samba) Purchases More RAM for servers? ASUC's money was frozen - We don't get our cash until they elect a lot of new people We're currently left with $2814 Phone bill will be $360 max Fullmer needs an invoice for the Dell for $600 to reimburse OCF and forms to deal with purchose of old AC unit Webcam Cheap capture card has been found Willing to try it SSL Certs Some certs found for about $100 but some cheap certs aren't recognized by all software Hopefully will cost $200-300 max - our e-mail cert needs to be good - i.e. more expensive - b/c e-mail cert needs to be recognized by everyone - webserver cert onlyl needs to cover 90% of browsers - not as big of a deal as e-mail cert Power supply for Athlon box in server room We need one. SM Contingency FUnd - So SMs can just buy stuff - We can't get quoroum often enough, so SMs need some leeway to make purchases fast, if need be - Has this contingency fund been routinezed somewhere? Software (UNIX): - Our UNIX software is out of date - remove mozilla and netscape - get Firebird - abiworld - old - GAIM - old - install via packages - look around for where to install - opt/local/package - opt/src/user - jones will show mbh how to do this. - mbh knows how to configure blackbox to look nice - cpfeyh says: always test stuff, don't ever take down something that works. - jones: standard procedure is to install in a new directory and ask people to try it out Software (Windows): - If you want to work on the windows machines, and are comfortable administrating them, talk to jones about the administrator password - Things to install: - Powerpoint, OpenOffice, Exceed - We need to update the Gateway hard disk image - We can do this as a day when people learn how do a clean new windows installation - We have a Samba mounted windows directory with an entire image in it. - Things to uninstall? - McAfee (Dells) - is this auto-updating? - Replace with Norton? - We have a campus license for Norton - E-mail ideas of things to install to staff@OCF Proxy - The library has classified OCF as on campus - Thus disabled proxy access - CNS has classified OCF as insecure - Thus has disabled full access to campus network - This is technically correct. - Thus we currently do not have full access to the library's resources. - Someone needs to talk to the library and get them to give us proxy access. - Tell users "we're working on it." Spam - War has been running really high loads b/c of SpamD - spamd is CPU intensive - Jeremy's been talking about making the new spamd server - Our mail server is running slow - worst case: messages being delayed several hours - Other people have been taking care of this besides Devin - People have been disabling spam-assassin if the server load gets too high - SpamAssassin - Marks a message as spam or not - If deactivated, no spam is marked. - You filter to check for spam marking level and decide wat to do w/spam - The spam server's being worked on and is almost done (thanks to Jeremy) Printing - Dells are having problems selecting double-sided printing - Bem says this is a driver problem. - Printing Accounting - 6-up double sided pages count as 12 pages - simply dividing by 2 doesn't work - people are becoming more aware of this issue - who knows how to fix this stuff? - What do we tell users? - You can't sell paper to users. - jones: could we make this legit? - jkit: As long as it doesn't go in your own pocket! - we've researched this in the past and decided against it - cpfeyh: we'd have to send people to the 4th floor accouting offices - Integrate with CalOne debit plan or CARS? - remlluf: The debit card hardware is already installed in the building. - You would just need to install a card swiper in the OCF lab. - Talk to Greg Snow @ rescomp - Quota Error Messages (or lack thereof) - When you're out of quota it kills your job and doesn't tell you why. - We need to notify users that they're out of print quota. - We could just make people aware to check their quota. - Print History Checker - Why don't we have one? - Why is our print history a secret? - The logs are hidden away on supernova - The print history doesn't show filenames - Does show who printed when. Documentation - Write down all questions and how you solved them. - Wiki - Need to research security options for restricting editing and viewing - Intelligibility - Users have not been understanding all of our helpful responses. - Surveys? - We need to survey users to figure out which explanations are useful and which are not. - Then evaluate responses Passwords - We need to emphasize strong passwords. - People think OCF is just a printing account, they don't relaize that the account will exist forever is a full shell access acount. - They don't realize an unbreakable password is important. - Jeremy has been running a password checker w/sorry - Devin: It's safe to tell users that if they pick a bad password that their accounts imght be turned off. Service, Windows Machines and User Quality in the modern age People expect a certain level of service... The kind of level of service where they don't know anything and expect themselves to not know anything. We didn't used to have Windows. - Windows is good, but 90% of our users are exclusively interested in Windows and free printing. This is bad. It detracts from our ability to provide good service if we're constantly dealing with everyone's stupid issues. Consider the following: No windows machines? No printing? No free printing? Free printing is the jackpot for most users. They're willing to get an OCF account solely for the free printing, and ignore everything else. What is exactly *is* everything else we do? - ASUC and everyone else loves our free printing What is our purpose? Besides free printing? These days, none of our services are unique. If we drop our newbie windows services we'll be declared a geek club and screwed. ASUC will never let us use MLK. If all they want is free printing, they don't even need/want an account. But we need accoutning to prevent print abuse. Fullmer: We can set up windows to reject big printing jobs - Limits abuse - If you have a really big job you have to manually print each section. Devin: printing only accounts? - Crappy passwords owulnd't matter Patrick: We can try to provide but we're definitely limited. It's not worthy getting freaked out over. The Dells were never supposed to be Windows. All windows machines are totally impacted. Staff can't even sit down. Our UNIX machines suck. Devin: Plans to convert Dells to Linux, just to piss people off! mbh: We could really nice, user friendly Linux Xandros Patrick: have something people use and like We always fail to converting to Linux b/c of NIS+ ppl complain about geeks and EECS ASUC tells us we must use windows. Linux is okay but it's got to be clean enough for end users. Problems between NFS and SUN We are one of the most high profile groups in ASUC AUX We need to fix our website What is our desired level of service Making signs to be useful things for users jkit: help points--you can only ask for help X number of times Question tracking If the same questions keep coming up is something broken or is the process to complex Fix the computers vs. fix the users Help pages Ther's no reason why we have to exist Online we communite bBay- it will be our new purpose!