OCF Board of Directors Meeting 6 November 2003 BoD for This Meeting Name Present? Changes as of tonight akopps n dropped from BoD jkit y eleen y geo y remlluf n 1st absence cpfeyh n 1st absence jones y elliot y sajmm y yonathan y mbh y njstahl n dropped phlee y kitajun y Total Members: 14 Needed for Quorum: 10 Present: 10 Non-BoD Present ---------------- (none!) BoD For Next Time: ------------------- Login Absences going into next meeting jkit eleen geo remlluf 1st absence cpfeyh 1st absence jones elliot sajmm yonathan mbh phlee kitajun Total: 12 Needed for quorum: 8 --------------------- A user is making a game Is anyone interested in helping? The game could interrface with CalFacts CalFacts is written in J2EE Firebird works! Run "firebird" from terminal on Sun machines Personal Introductions cafe.berkeley.edu Will be hiring next sem Same skills as OCF A lot of customer service $9.44/hr min 12 hr/week Easy to get promoted Refer people to W&MF for printing -- they charge. Fundraising compettion? Staff profiles -- Update them! Write an OCF RPG? Stats for OCF staffers Password Protect Start Mtg Jun motions patrick seconds Someone please fix the printer Luns said it's as fixed as it can be... What does this mean? Setting windows printing defaults Set to double sided by default Saving settings You should print through supernova, not fallingrocks. Can someone remove the old settings for fallingrocks? We can giveout windows admin Ghosting It's worth doing once/yr Getting a new switch So it doesn't take down our servers when we multicast ghost - cost: $1500-$2000 Learning: ask Jimmy. Cleaning - This is a persistent problem - Should we have a cleaning party? Staples - We need 'em. Socials Community is good Share the love. Be friendly. Say hello.' Matrix? eScrip We can do it Eleen applied, waiting for response. A shopping system that gets OCF $$ Donations Someone contacted Devin about donating computers - 1 ~200mhz comp - 1 ~500-600 mhz comp - Send Lavonia this guy's name, address, description T-Shirts No deadline Submit more designs! Ethernet - People unplug our machines and plug in our laptops - This is really bad. - This is common. - Patrick is working on configuring our switch to restrict by MAC address. - Contact Derek about a script for getting MAC addresses of computers. Paper and Toner Cabinet Look in the black lockbox for key Agenda As of now we have $1034 We'll be getting a refund b/c we were double charged we're getting a reutrn of $1024 So we'll have a total of $2058 We were paying for 3 phone lines until October We've been buying paper every month $170/month total is $1000 that we need to allocate to paper We may very well run out of money for printing before the end of the year - in this case we'd put a sign up saying "sorry, no more printing" Toner is expensive Fullmer is supposed to get us $1600 for sales bought AC + a Dell We need to contact him in writing about this Supposed to get $1000 from ASUC but this is suspended indefinitely Phone We can make long distance calls but we'll be charged $.11/min Should we disable long distance? Pox It has a broken floppy drive Do we have spares? probably. Cleaning, swapping keyboards.