OCF General Meeting: 2/6/03 WYC: What is this? This is the OCF first general meeting for the semester. We are here to elect new people for the following positions: GM, SM, PIMP, DUMB, BOD, Secretary (Sexy) etc. Explanation of the aforementioned position follows: GM is the general manager etc, SM is the site manager and takes care of the more technical aspects of the facility. The commitment for both is a minimum of an hour a week (because both are automatically part of BOD.) PIMP is the paper manager , DUMB does the same thing for disk management usage. BOD is the board of directors that meets once a week to make decisions etc. SM and GM both give reports at BOD. We also have a facility advisor. In the past years it's always been Professor Brian Harvey with the exception of one year. That was the year before my time and the person that was elected died in an airplane crash. We should elect people we don't like then, unless it's Harvey. He seems rather robust though. WYC: The faculty advisor needs to be staff or a student to be elected (general user also required.) Lululin: is the voting everyone, users or BOD? WYC: Well it's a general meeting and there isn't really a BOD right now, so I guess users. SM Business: ----------------- Akopps: About the new tape deck: Been trying to contact the guy that sold it to us but he doesn't work there anymore. We have the tape deck but no tapes, bar one. Dwc: our network has been upgraded to 100. As of tonight we have gigabit Ethernet to router from the switch in Eshleman. Barrows is still at 10. Rogue dchp server? Somehow whenever we are using the ilamp someone complains that we are running a dhcp server? Akopps: Sun servers were purchased: this is okay, nothing to resolve here. Dwc: props to Patrick for getting paper. Went to Xerox and got a lot of paper. Bigbang still sitting around (like normally). Now it's just sitting around without net doing nothing. Nominations and voting commences: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nomination (ajani): Brian Harvey Second (lululin) Nomination (ogle): Vendetta Second: none. Brian: All yeas, no neas (except as a joke) Conclusion: Brian Harvey remains the faculty advisor. GM: Nomination (kenao): cpfeyh/jeffe (as joint gm) Second: ajani? Other nominations: aoshi, vendetta, !kenao, ewhatt (decline), wyc (decline) Nominees leave rm. Cpfeyh/jeffe: 15 Aoshi: 7 Vendetta: 2 !Kenao:1 SM: Nominations: Akopps/dwc, aoshi/dwc, akopps/aoshi, aoshi , (dwc(declines by self) Akopps/dwc (joint): 10 Aoshi/dwc: 8 Aoshi: 4 Majority or plurality vote? WYC: majority vote (not simple majority for one) Run off: Akopps/dwc: 9 Aoshi/dwc:10 (by 1, with ajani abstaining from vote). GMý cpfeyh/jeffe SMý dwc/aoshi PIMP: Since Callahan is absent, let's vote him in. DUMB: akopps/jhs/ogle?: ý ogle/akopps accept as joint Ogle wants to be "dumbier." Secretary: lululin (sexy@ocf.berkeley.edu): ogle is jealous (we could make him sexier?). BOD elections: (you will be dropped if you miss two consecutive ones): Akoops, kenao, lululin, Adrian, bac, maryamv, fanus, smaccan, ogle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attendance: Name (login), bod Lulu (lululin), yes Jennifer Ng (jdng), no Darrell Tuttle (dtuttle), no Adrian (Adrian), ? Kevin Yeung (kevyeung), no Corina Cristodore (corina), no Michael Lees (aramike), no Paula Balciunaite (balciun), no Vanessa Tavares (blank), no Maryam Vareth (maryamv), no Pogosian, A (akopps), yes Jacob (jhs), hell no Jeff Emrich (jeffe), - Charles Ensign (ensign), no Patrick (cpfeyh), yes Derek Chan (dwc), we don't have one Emily Watt (ewhatt), yes, well I was Randy (aoshi), yes Soc (smaccian) yes Hank Funk (fungus), yes Galen Hancock (galen), no Bem Jones-Bey (ajani), no Wayne Chan (wyc), not sure Brett Cannon (bac), Ken Ott (kenao), gomen Glen Y. Kim (ogle), yes