BOD Minutes OCT 14, 2004 Meeting opens *forgot to put who is present GM message -resubmitted order for battery SM message -geo jkit and kaiseul sent toner to be recycled -swapped a monitor for blizzard -Randy fixed LDAP Stuff -4 computers in eschleman, in publications Senate wants computers, senate believes we're being unresponsive even though we said we don't have anything. Computers on 7th are only web browsers. Something needs to be done about the situation, tbd what that will be. -Akop wants to take a computer so he can mod it to take some load off death. -Akop has put in an application for a grant from Sun. -Phantom table? We need a table for tabling on Sproul. Frank is willing to table. -Samba profiles weren't working. Luns remapped directories. Seemed fixed. Squirrel mail can't be accessed. Luns and Jimmy turned on a flag, and now that's fixed too. Can't figure out how/why these things were fixed, but someone needs to find out what's wrong. Luns wants to take down death to patch and do maintenance on it. -Updates: Brando needs to call dell. Ducts still needs to be made to cool the servers with the A/C. Procmail. Matt and Geo are going to set up a procmail filter. Matt is still trying to figure out how the mail works. <93>Staff<94> is an alias as of now, needs to be made into a user. Randy claims <93>War does a lot of sh*t.<94> We all agree. -Should we start a time when we ask questions about random stuff so we can learn more about stuff? -Game Cluster: Alienware possibly will donate some computers. Computers would be put in Bear's Lair and in Bearcade. Could possibly eventually become a source of income for OCF. Cons: Maintenance Is this the type of publicity we want? Pros: Better visibility Money The issue will be discussed next time. -Windows machines, people can login under guest/general. Thought it was gone, but it's still there. Possibly samba is the problem. -Matt wants to reimage the Dells. Email staff so we can get input on what to put in this image. -Akop is looking into disk arrays. Someone needs to help him. Close the meeting at the late hour of 9pm.