Open Computing Facility General Meeting Spring 2004 2004/01/29 BoD Meetings: Thursday Nights at 7pm (105 Dwinelle) Jimmy the (New) Site Manager Will Be in Heller Lab at 6pm Thursdays Faculty Sponsor - Brian Harvey still faculty sponsor General Manager Elections - Eleen nominated by jkit - Patrick seconds nomination of Eleen - Unanimous election of Eleen Site Manager Elections - Eleen nominates jkit - Devin seconds nomination of jkit - Jimmy unanimously elected to SM. Other Directors - Appointments SM can appoint people unless GM, BoD oppose - Disk Management - Print Managment - phlee appointed - Postmaster - [De Facto Postmaster = Luns] - Secretary - Elliot appointed Old Business - Oren has spent much time fixing back room and making it look pretty and usable. - Please don't do anything bad to the back room. New Business - Policy - User Membership - Policy was devised when we were using official campus networking - We had to comply with official campus rules - Policy was devised 15 years ago - The current policy says the following are eligible for an account: - Current staff, faculty, students - Campus has slackened up a lot - We're on ASUC Network - We don't have to follow campus rules as strictly - They have private agreement to allow non-campus people to use network - What has been suggested: - We change policy to reflect what actual user base is. - The Current Situation: - Most of our user base is alumni, because we haven't expired accounts since about 1997. - smcc has suggested changes: - Add eligibility to an extended group: (see ) - Add eligibility of those people that used to be part of the extended group (let people keep accounts). - Devin adds the following suggested eligibilites: - People who are normally given benefits of employees - Such as spouses/domestic partners of student, faculty, staff - (The current employee would have to be currently eligible for the spouse to be eligible) - Individuals from the community who volunteer with the OCF. - There's been talk of expiring inactive accounts after a couple of years. - This may happen as well. - Constitution vs. Policy - We can give OCF resources away through policy alone. - Membership is decided via constitution - Membership only affects election to office. - Constitution is silent on policy changes? - Devin moves that we change policy in manner just discussed - Matt seconds. - Vote Done by Hands - Vote succeeds unanimously - Someone suggests a guarantee of at least 2 years for alumni accounts. - Quotas - Current Policy - Allows up to 5 megs of space - (For regular space, mail, etc.) - "Basically this is just retarded." - "There doesn't need to be a limit in policy" - smcc suggests policy change: - "A uniform limit" for all users for space, mail, etc. - The idea is that we don't need to change policy every time we change quota. - Ability to request a waiver from uniform limit - Devin adds suggestion: - "Or at discretion of site manager" - Policy change (of smcc and jones) passes - Heller and the New Lab - Devin, Jimmy, Eleen and Building Ops met on Monday - Library is moved back to 7th Floor Eschleman - 24 Hours after the 6th week of school - There are 4 Dell computers there from us, internet only - No OCF account login ability - Oren reports they have MS Office - We need to remove this. - Publications is in charge there - They asked for only webaccess - No printing - ASUC Eschleman 2nd Floor Cluster - Are the computers that got moved to 7th floor - But the printer is still on the 2nd floor. - Heller Lab in MLK - Closed indefinitely - Check back in two weeks. - Eleen is working on it. - Doors are locked. - We can get ourselves some openable doors and locks - We would need to get ourselves some security - We're waiting on David Fullmer, who needs to do some work. - There's a possibility that Heller Lab will remain closed throughout Heller Lounge construction. - e.g. until next Fall - We're not sure when we can get the lab open. - There are limited keys we posses - We can set up specified days to open up the lab. - If you want an account you can e-mail - Set up an appointment to come open up office and make account. - They're talking about turning Heller Lounge into multimedia entertainment lounge. Miscellaneous - jkit introduces BoD and BoD Meetings - Nobody needed a new account - Recruiting new staff - Talk to Jimmy, e-mail him, - Don't need to post office hours at the current time. - If you want to approve accounts, contact jimmy or eleen. - Use IRC! Devin Motions to Close Meeting Matt Seconds Movement. Meeting Ends! A new semester begins!