Open Computing Facility Board of Directors Meeting 26 February 2004 -------------------- BoD for Tonight: eleen - present jkit - present elliot - present adrian - present yehfang - present rahat - present joydip - 2nd absence hkim - present akamike - present phlee - 1st absence kaisenl - present shivab - 2nd absence # members total: 12 # members required for quorum: 8 # members present: 9/12 Quorum Achieved! Present but not on BoD for Tonight: geo cpfeyh Present Total: 11 BoD for Next Meeting: 1 eleen 2 jkit 3 elliot 4 adrian 5 yehfang 6 rahat 7 hkim 8 akamike 9 phlee - 1 absence 10 kaisenl # members total: 10 # member required for quorum: 7 ------ GM MESSAGE - Short power outage yesterday 10:40pm - Printer wasn't working - Derek was working on it, rebooted it this morning - Working fine now. - If printer stops working again, call Eleen, or Jimmy. - If doors are locked, call building ops. - SM MESSAGE - Someone donated an old Gateway - No USB, AT Keyboard (not PS/2) - No network card - Oren: Should we do anything with this computer? - Jimmy: I'll call Devin and see what's up. NEW BUSINESS - Eleen, Jimmy to have meeting with CSUA - Attempt to set up mutual agreement with CSUA - Such that, in the case of service outage - OCF can write about OCF downages on the CSUA webspace - CSUA can write about CSUA downages on the OCF webspace. - We could maybe also have redirects, such that in the case of an outage, browsers will be automatically redirected to alternate site (at CSUA for OCF, at OCF for CSUA). - Classes that want usernames with numbers - Devin has asked if we can set up some class accounts - This is ordinarily fine. - However, these class accounts want numbers in the user name. - Numbers in the user name are not ordinarily allowed. - The account is otherwise completely normal. - They want mcb100 and chem130 - Yeh: Don't the classes already get their own space from the official Berkeley servers? - Kaisen: The sites capabilities they get are really bad. - Jimmy: The departments have had miscommunication issues with the official Berkeley people who provide webspace. - Eleen: Why should they get this exception? Could we just modify the general rule? - Eleen: How much harder is it to make an exception? - Jimmy: An extra 5 minutes. - Eleen: Do they know the other options? - Jimmy: Devin was talking with them, he most likely told them about the other options. - Jimmy: The exception is a violation of our policy. - VOTE FOR ALLOWING CLASSES TO HAVE NUMBERS IN NAME: - Fails unanimously. - Acrobat Reader - User requested Acrobat Reader installed on Heller Lab - OpenOffice - Discussed installing OpenOffice on Windows machines. - Our PowerPoint reader installations are not-full featured. - OpenOffice may somewhat fix this? - Budget Request - Eleen has to submit a budget request to ASUC - OCF asks them for an amount of money that would cover everything we could possibly want. - ASUC gets back to us regarding the amount they're willing to give us. - Devin sends suggestions: - More RAM for Dells - Buying more systems - New printer - Projector - Devin doesn't want to give us his - Software - Webcam - Patrick: Why a webcam if the lab is only open 5 hours per day? - A BIG LIST OF STUFF, FILL THIS IN! - Possibility of paying CSOs - People who sit in the OCF during normal hours and after hours to monitor the lab's security. - Could cost up to $7000/semester?andidates' platforms - Contact Daily Cal to publicize our situation. - Heller Lab vs. The Lounge -- ultimate combat - we have put a lot of work into this lounge, we don't want to see it locked away and unusable while ASUC figures out what they want to do with Heller Lounge. - Random Interlude: - Adrian goes off to help Oren fix things. - Adrian Motions to Close Meeting - Kaisen Seconds MEETING ENDS! Go home!