BoD Minutes 5/4/06 In Attendance: Griffin Aoaks Joshk Yury Thomson Cardi Sle Ekashida Gordeon Geo Cld Jkit Kaisenl Elliot Sahnn frank G.M. Announcement: -toner (griffin): coming tomorrow -ASUC Elections (geo): good job guys, check's coming soon -Party (tdhock): sweet party everyone SM -none Project Wrap: -MCC events (jkit) -Web poll (elliot) -Staff profiles (jkit): jkit's been teaching Kang and Melissa how to make the new social network for OCF -Logo (gordeon): it's ready, he's going to print it out -T-shirts/Banner (tdhock) -LDAP/Kerberos (yury): dilemma: we need to decide whether or not we want to do a reregister (the hacker may still have some account info, etc). This would cause the problem of every single user having to come into the ocf and reenter their password. Plus, we may or may not have enough manpower to reregister everyone. Or maybe we could just re-register staff. Maybe we should administer two systems and try to encourage people to switch over to the new system (possibly through offering more web-space/printing pages if they do switch) -Webserver (sle/dima): moving death onto famine, itself -Windows image (sahnn): windows xp is coming in fall 2006 -Scanner docs (yury): nothing Discussion -LCD's: Brand X or name-brand: 17" - $170 19" - $215 motion to allocate $1900 for 19" LCD's (an additional $300 originally allocated for the LCD's: passes -Buy ??? ($3,150!!!) -physical improvements to the lab -a new jacket for yury? -Air conditioner is really sketchy -motion to allocate $800 for an air conditioning adapter -passes -card reader would be incredibly expensive -no staffers should be opening the side door: ever. -replace old file cabinet? (server room space issues) -buy 10 of new Logitech keyboards? -motion to have gm's decide how to spend the money, via e-mail with BoD: passes -motion for staff rereg. Passes -motion to close the meeting passes Re-Reg. Debate Pros: -Security (Kerberos, etc.) -efficiency (war) Cons: -Hassle -PR suicide -Alumni -No current plan of action GOODBYE JKIT, KAISENL! Oh yeah, and Tdhock...=