7:18 gordon sle dritch jchu akit sluo cardi bofh GM budget akit: current budget is $9562.62 akit: that includes all paper akit bought 335 reams which should last the next semester akit: 379 reams in server room akit: the rest is in 4th floor mail room akit: also includes purchase of computers akit: lenovo rep has not responded for shipment date akit: will find out more and let us know cal tennis club akit: the cal tennis club wants an account (separate from the cal tennis student group) akit: got an official letterhead from bill wyatt assistant director of sport clubs akit: not osl registered jchu: i'll create it gift exchange? maybe SM php5 jchu: want to transition from php4 to php5 sluo: php4 actively developed until end of year security until aug 08 9 months to transition start telling users to get off php4 1) transition default php interpretor (Feb 5, 2008 or later?) 2) documentation about changes 3) configuration change (trivial) 4) phase out completely php4 (tentatively: may 31) march 5th? workshop jchu: decal doesn't happen every semester, wants to do workshops for training suggestions, interested in teaching, interested in learning? sluo: what people want to know, what people need to know? akit: announce on website for users and staff jchu: mainly for staff but open for users sluo: root staff workshop restricted to root staff akit: poll on website, set dates decal jchu: paperwork is filled out, still needs to be turned in to stephens hall will be turned in tomorrow windows akit: how's windows logins? all: sue? jchu: nothing done. sluo: moderate progress on ldap. purchased desktops that we don't have windows images for expect results for next semester regarding ldap other akit: major problems? sluo: got a system for monitoring mail meeting with pubs akit: meeting with ann marie tomorrow and pubs about moving sluo: fullmer is going to be there? akit: yes sluo: need to talk to him about things akit: meeting will be in basement of eshleman at 11:30a cardi, geo, sluo will make a special appearance on behalf of the ocf sle: login issue? akit: it's not a big deal, makes them happy. meeting adjourned at 7:39