nnouncement: We are going to install the lab machines next Thursday, Dec 11, at 3 PM. Meet at the new OCF lab in the basement of Eshleman. The more people show up, the faster this gets done (and really, there isn't that much to do)! We are going to have the end-of-the-year banquet afterward and recognize the graduating seniors...or supposedly graduating...ahem. Thanks, Genevieve W. ---------------------------------- Logins: - Jchu* - Gcwong* - Mgasidlo* - Kwinterl* - Sanjayk* - Analw* - Gfs* - Mkendall - Jameson* - Matt* - Geo - Mark Miller *Members on BoD BoD starts 7:25 PM IPv6 - until the internet actually stops using IPv4, we won't have to upgrade to IPv6 - If we upgrade now, it's going to cost us $1000 - If we upgrade later, it's probably going to cost even more. - Motion to allocate $1000 for IPv6 (mgasidlo), seconded by matt -- In favor: 8, abstain: 1 -- Motion passes. Lab - power networking to central island, and running cables to wall jacks - Need somebody to drill holes in countertops and setup desktops - Sometime between now and finals week, maybe next Thursday Fujitsu - wants to donate a bunch of stuff to OCF (mostly EE lab equipment) - no use for anything, tell them to donate to IEEE or Cory CalPerformances - Mark Miller: want to move CalPerf music groups to OCF b/c they're student groups. - Jameson: student groups right now have 400 mb, but soon to upgrade to 1 GB - Mark wants to request 3 GB exemption for CalBand. - Kwinterl: calband should lower sample rate on mp3s, etc. to keep space down - Jameson: we can't actually tell CalBand to limit bitrate or anything, and youtube is not a good idea b/c the typical person does not know how to download the music. - CalBand already has an OCF account. They can come in and request to increase quota - OCF usually do not turn down quota increases. - Mark: there's a color printer plus $800 worth of toner we'd like to donate. - Jameson: that's 2 months worth of toner! We'll take it! Techsoup licenses - Motion to buy 30 Vista Business, 26 Office Professional Plus 2007, and 1 Windows 2008 Server for $1000 (mgasidlo), seconded (analw) -- In favor: 9. unanimous Motion to adjourn (jameson), seconded (jchu) - In favor: 9. unanimous BoD ends 8:10 PM