Meeting starts 7:16 PM Karl* Tirumari Ahir* Felix* Kevin* Sanjay* Sherry* simplyhd* Discretionary Funds Sherry: So there's $2921.25 that we have budgeted for the emergency fund. Maybe we should split this 50/50. Sanjay: Maybe we could add the condition that two out of 4 people have to agree. simplyhd enters. Sanjay: Maybe we should cap purchases above a certain amount and have 2 of the 4 managers agree. simplyhd: I think 3 out of 4 is better. So then both groups will always be involved. Sanjay: Purchases over $100? Ahir: Couldn't they make multiple purchases under $100? Sanjay: Regardless, Sherry has to sign off on it. A hard drive typically costs around $250. Sanjay: This just has to be agreed on over email. We could also just call each other. Karl: If you don't have an absolute majority of BoD will respond within 72 hours fails automatically. Sanjay: If there's something critical, we would call each other anyway. simplyhd: That's why I say joint. Sanjay: Typically this is padding for Thanksgiving. simplyhd: Or Winter Break. We don't vote for new GM and SM until next semester. In theory, the current ones are still in charge. Motion to allocate $2921.25 for a joint SM and GM discretionary fund. Motion seconded by Sanjay. Unanimously in favor. Berkeley Project There is interest in doing BP as a group.. Felix is going to change BP's redirect because they're not following our policies. simplyhd: It would be awesome if you had staff hours from 12-4 than from 5-6 or 4-7 because that's when we get the most amount of users. If you can be there for just 30 minutes and make sure everything is running fine, like the printers. Sanjay: You don't even have to be on duty. You just have to come in and check things. Security Sanjay: So lab security. Lock up after yourself. That's the easiest rule to follow. Make sure the front door is actually locked. If you feel something doesn't look right, tell people about it. Also, informally keep track of people coming in after hours. When staff is around at 10:30 and say somebody comes in for whatever the reason (like an electrician), keep track of it. So if something was stolen, you can mention it. There's electronic security. We're going to install custom kernels and add patches. We're probably goign to do a combination of 3rd party patches and our own. Madcow is a server that Kevin can use for experimentation. I did some things with config and now it checks viruses. Motion to adjourn. Seconded by Sanjay. Unanimously in favor. Meeting ends at 7:44 PM.