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   Why most of IT companies are from U.S.
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   Author  Topic: Why most of IT companies are from U.S.  (Read 1394 times)
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Posts: 55
Why most of IT companies are from U.S.  
« on: Jun 22nd, 2016, 4:54am »
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What is your opinion - why most of IT companies are from U.S. There are only several (and not very big) IT companies from Europe or Australia.
What is the future? Maybe China? India?
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wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: Why most of IT companies are from U.S.  
« Reply #1 on: Jun 22nd, 2016, 10:22pm »
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Maybe start by answering whether the US actually does have most IT companies.
Sure, many of the big names are US (google, microsoft, IBM, etc), but the US is also a big country, with a disproportionally large economy. But just in my city alone there are more IT companies than I can count, and I'm not in the US.
Just because you know more IT company names from the US than from elsewhere doesn't mean they have more IT companies. Any more than knowing more city-names from the US means they have more cities than, say, India or China.
So start by answering that question first, before trying to explain something that might very well not be true at all. Because, why is the moon made of cheese?
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wu::riddles Moderator

Some people are average, some are just mean.


Gender: male
Posts: 13730
Re: Why most of IT companies are from U.S.  
« Reply #2 on: Jun 22nd, 2016, 11:01pm »
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To put it in a bit of perspective, of the 14 IT companies with a revenue over 50 billion dollars, 8 are from the US. But the other 6 employ almost twice as many people (2.36M vs 1.4M).
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_largest_information_technology _companies
And of course that doesn't say much about all the millions of smaller IT businesses. Apparently just in the Netherlands we have about a 100.000 of them.
« Last Edit: Jun 22nd, 2016, 11:12pm by towr » IP Logged

Wikipedia, Google, Mathworld, Integer sequence DB
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