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(Message started by: Miles Teg on Nov 24th, 2004, 2:28pm)

Title: Web service
Post by Miles Teg on Nov 24th, 2004, 2:28pm
Does anybody know a good movie database web service .
I want to build a programm that given a movie or artist or any other movie parameter, will be able to show information about this movie or artist and etc...

Now I could do that using html files and DOM but I prefer XLM .

I looked at UDDI and it is hard to find any good server there. The service has to be fairly updated , so the information will be usefull and stay usefull for some time.
Does anybody know such server or efficient way to search for one?
Or where except UDDI services are published?
I also have heard that the search can be performed dinamicly , but I just couldn`t find out how  :(

P.S. I do prefer the service to be free , but if it isn`t I still might use it.

Thanks .

Title: Re: Web service
Post by Sir Col on Nov 24th, 2004, 3:07pm
Are you looking to create your own dynamic movie database, or are you looking for an established database that can be interrogated and return query results?

IF you're after the most comprehensive database that already exists on the internet, then it has to be http://imdb.com (Internet Movie DataBase). They allow you to download raw data textfiles for you to create your own content driven database (with obvious copyright restrictions). You can find out more here:

If you're after a free/open source database then I can highly recommend MySQL: http://dev.mysql.com/

Title: Re: Web service
Post by Miles Teg on Nov 25th, 2004, 1:14pm
I am looking for for an established database , that is able to return xml content .( xlm , from my previuos post  :-[)
Imdb is exactly the kind of information I need , but it comes as html or plaintext , that means I need to parse it or use the Html Dom and both are not very nice options.

Title: Re: Web service
Post by John_Gaughan on Nov 28th, 2004, 1:45pm
If the plaintext has a consistent format, a Perl script could probably convert it to XML. I took a look at the IMDB web site and couldn't figure anything out from a quick look. If you know where to get some sample data I could take a look and let you know what I think.

Title: Re: Web service
Post by cycoshas on Jun 6th, 2013, 9:07pm
i think you can use IMDB ,and some rating site  also an youtube

Title: Re: Web service
Post by webtasarim on Oct 6th, 2013, 4:56pm
you can write a bot for getting movies . it is possible . you can get datas from IMDB

Title: Re: Web service
Post by pandani on Oct 28th, 2013, 5:57pm
Yeah, IMDB is great resource for movie database. Think hard how to get them all.

Title: Re: Web service
Post by arsalan1101 on Jan 27th, 2014, 2:50am
i think you can use allmovie ,and some rating site  also an youtube

Title: Re: Web service
Post by meetlesli on Jul 19th, 2014, 10:56am
I am also looking for similar service. Could anyone advise where can I find the wsdl for the same. Is this paid service ?

Title: Re: Web service
Post by JaneBD on Aug 4th, 2014, 2:55am

on 06/06/13 at 21:07:22, cycoshas wrote:
i think you can use IMDB ,and some rating site  also an youtube

I agree, I usually use IMDB - works great for me man.

Title: Re: Web service
Post by OceansTech on Nov 3rd, 2014, 10:22pm
AllMovie as well as IMDb both seems good movie database. I didn't find any problem while using these two.

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