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   state removal
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   Author  Topic: state removal  (Read 14509 times)

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Re: state removal  
« Reply #25 on: Jul 11th, 2003, 8:44am »
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on Jul 10th, 2003, 1:49pm, Phuoc wrote:
Yes, but we were asked to only get rid of 1 state  Grin.

Exactly, but when you said "sell Louisiana back", I thought of the land called Louisiana at the time of the purchase.  Smiley
Does anybody know whether this became one huge state and got split afterwards or many states right from the start?
As for a reason: This may improve American-French relations since they felt we screwed them in that purchase.

Well, at least le roi didn't feel so at the time. Actually, the French wanted to get rid of it all, whereas the then president of the U.S.A. initially hadn't planned to buy that much, as far as I remember.
But come to think of it, the Mississippi's mouth is in LA isn't it?  It may not be that good of an idea after all.

That's why the U.S. bought it in the first place, right?  Cheesy
« Last Edit: Jul 11th, 2003, 8:45am by wowbagger » IP Logged

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Re: state removal  
« Reply #26 on: Jul 13th, 2003, 12:37pm »
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The Louisiana Purchase was immediately split into much smaller, more easily governed territories. It was many years before any of these territories became full-fledged states. The only state to undergo a major change in its boundaries after it became a state was Virginia: When Virginia joined the Confederacy in the US Civil War, West Virginia split off of it and stayed in the Union as a new state. (Some minor boundary changes have occured in other states.)
Jefferson certainly knew a good deal when he saw one, but if France had asked for much more, they would have been turned down, as the purchase price already represented about as much as the fledgling US government could afford.
If some in France have decided since then that they got the short end of the deal, they certainly have no right to complain against us about it, since they were the ones to propose the sale in the first place! At the time, Louisiana represented a large territory that France did not have the ability to use in any significant fashion. Since they were badly in need of liquid assets at the time, selling it was to their advantage. To claim later that they were cheated would be ridiculous.
I have never heard of any significant feelings about this in France. I have heard that a similar charge is being raised in Russia about Alaska by a hate-mongering politician. The exact same statements about the Louisiana Purchase above also apply to the Alaska purchase, except that most people in the US at the time thought that Seward (Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson) was an idiot for paying $7 million for a "frozen wasteland", and called it "Seward's Folly".
I expect that more sensible Russians will take this moron down.
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Re: state removal  
« Reply #27 on: Mar 12th, 2004, 2:08pm »
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I'd say merge Tennessee with Nevada and retain gambling rules. TN can make some money out of it and not be in the south anymore  
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Re: state removal  
« Reply #28 on: Apr 30th, 2004, 11:26am »
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on Jul 30th, 2002, 5:21pm, Your name here wrote:
I think the correct answer to this riddle is "Why the hell would I want to remove a state?"

Yep.  That's what I would ask.  "Why?".  That's what you should ask first when starting a project.  "Why are we doing this".  And the best way to answer that question is to ask "What if we just forgot about this project, what would happen?"
If I am not told what is wrong with the current state of ... states and what is to be achieved by removing a state, I am likely to do it in a way that won't solve the underlying problem.  If you need to remove a state just for the sake of removing a state, make it as non-disturbing as possible.  Replace two states by one that is managed as 2 independent substates.
« Last Edit: Feb 6th, 2007, 12:47am by Grimbal » IP Logged


Posts: 44
Re: state removal  
« Reply #29 on: Feb 5th, 2007, 11:23pm »
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Why not split India ........ Kashmir wont to be sovergienHuhDont tell this to any India,or else I would be under trouble Grin
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Re: state removal  
« Reply #30 on: Feb 8th, 2007, 4:18pm »
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I would merge every state with California... and then UC Berkeley would get confused  Grin
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"It is very good to have a brother who has a cow. It is also good to have a brother who has two cows. In fact, a brother with a cow is great, except when he has exactly 135 cows and is one of thecow himself."-Unknown
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Re: state removal  
« Reply #31 on: Feb 8th, 2007, 4:24pm »
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No thank you. The rest of us enjoy making fun of californians. We have no desire to join them!
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Re: state removal  
« Reply #32 on: Feb 8th, 2007, 4:25pm »
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Oh I see... we have too many border hoppers from Asia here...
btw:I'm Asian
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"It is very good to have a brother who has a cow. It is also good to have a brother who has two cows. In fact, a brother with a cow is great, except when he has exactly 135 cows and is one of thecow himself."-Unknown
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Re: state removal  
« Reply #33 on: Feb 9th, 2007, 3:11am »
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I just realized you can remove a few states by just heating up the planet.
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wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: state removal  
« Reply #34 on: Feb 9th, 2007, 7:32pm »
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on Feb 8th, 2007, 4:25pm, CowsRUs wrote:
Oh I see... we have too many border hoppers from Asia here...

Nah - It doesn't matter where Californians are from, we still like to make fun of them. Them and Texans - oh and New Yorkers, mustn't forget them. Also North Dakotans, Oklahomans, Floridians, Tennesseans, ... Actually, just about any place other than where we live and New Mexico - and we only leave them off because everyone knows it isn't really a state! Wink
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Re: state removal  
« Reply #35 on: Jun 27th, 2007, 4:56pm »
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on Jul 10th, 2003, 8:48pm, Chewdogscp wrote:
Let's get rid of
Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!! Canada!!!

Oh wait that's not a state.... darn now i know i won't be getting a job any time soon  Wink

 I hate you! Not funny!No good hockey players for you next NHL season
Just merge All the states, into the United States of ___. Canada is an awesome place, and no, we arent eskimos, or stuff like that.
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