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   Microsoft Interview Pattern & Tips
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   Author  Topic: Microsoft Interview Pattern & Tips  (Read 7246 times)
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Microsoft Interview Pattern & Tips  
« on: Jan 16th, 2014, 9:34pm »
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I have found a very informative post on Microsoft Interview pattern which may help,
Name of Company: Microsoft
Year: 2012
Profile: Software
Venue: On Campus
CTC: 15-16.5 LPA
Total number of students appeared for written: 200+
Number of students shortlisted for interview: 30
Number of offers: 7
Round 1: 50 questions in 60 minutes
Section 1: Quantitative and aptitude questions (Level:  easy 30 questions)
Section 2: C/C++ basic coding questions (Level: Easy 20 questions)
Round 2: 3 Coding question in 60 minutes {No compiler, On a notepad}
      Q1: Write a program to swap odd and even bits in an integer with as few instructions as possible (e.g., bit 0 and bit 1 are swapped, bit 2 and bit 3 are swapped, etc).
      Q2:  Write a program to convert binary search tree to double linked list
      Q3: Write a program to sort a linked list consisting of only 3 distinct elements.
Interview Question (All the design questions except first: Program manager post)
Round 1:
Q1: How to sort a array consisting of only 3 distinct elements efficiently? (Don’t use counting method)
Q2: You are given a sheet of paper of dimensions w*h. You have to fit photographs (Dimensions: m*n) in that sheet such that each photograph is separated from other photograph or boundary of paper by “d” distance from all the sides. You have to output the maximum number of photograph you can fit in the sheet. The arrangement should be symmetrical from centre.
Round 2:
Q1: Tell something about yourself
Q2: How you will design alarm clock for a blind person?
Round 3:
Q1: Description of various projects
Q2: You have to stream songs of radio station of a particular area through your applications so that you can hear it anywhere: Design and implementation details.  Questions like:
- How will user fast-forward the song?(He can’t because it is radio Wink)
- How you will provide music storage service to user? What will happen when he will click fast-forward and reverse button?
- How to make sure that speed is maintained?
Round 4:
Q1: Design a banking application for SBI which users (especially students) can use in their smart-phones for daily transactions, take the history of transactions, pay their fees etc.
-     What main features must be included in the app?
-     How will user interface look like?
-     How will transactions take place?
1) For Round 1 of written all that matter is speed and accuracy.
2) For Round 2 of written: Coding Questions are pretty easy just try practicing your coding skills on paper/ notepad instead of using a compiler. You will be surprised as you will find it is more difficult than expected.
3) When interviewer asks you a question you already know, Take your time and make sure you solve the question all over again. Start with the basic algorithm and then keep improving till the interviewer is satisfied.
4) In Microsoft recruitment there is no separate round as HR. You can be asked any HR question in any of the interview round. When you are asked to describe about yourself, Make sure you don’t hurry. While telling about yourself, try to sense the interest of interviewer. If interviewer looks interested in a particular project of yours and you are confident about it, make sure you elaborate the topic giving him chance to ask questions.
5) There are no books which can help you master the design questions. All you need is innovation and confidence. Take care of following points :
-     When asked to design something, Take paper and write down all that comes in your mind so that you don’t miss any point. Take your time and don’t panic at this point.
-     Read your thoughts aloud to the interviewer. In design questions nothing is wrong or right so make sure you say everything in your mind to the interviewer, you never know which point may impress him.
-     Try to sense the interest of interviewer. In my interview round I was asked to design alarm clock, I put out all the technical details but he asked me how I know it is the right thing to do. I understood he wants me to talk about customer involvement.
6) At end of each interview round, Interviewer asks you if you have any questions. Make sure after you ask interviewer about 2 things :
-     Something about their company. While asking the question try to reflect that you feel you will be selected.  When you ask question make sure you listen what he reply. Depending on interviewer you can also ask him his experience in that company.   While asking questions don’t show that you are asking because you have a doubt if you will join the company or not instead show you will be selected so you are eager to know more about company.
-     Feedback about yourself. This will enable you to know about your weaknesses and improve it further because each interview is preparation for the next. It also shows the interviewer that you ready to take feedback and improve. It will push your chances to get selected.
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