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riddles >> putnam exam (pure math) >> Putnam Contest Archive
(Message started by: Yournamehere on Sep 19th, 2002, 12:29pm)

Title: Putnam Contest Archive
Post by Yournamehere on Sep 19th, 2002, 12:29pm
In case you haven't found it already, there is a Putnam contest archive on the web:


Contests, solutions and results are available.

If you want to get the most out of it, it would be best to not look at the contests unless you are willing to devote 6 hours and do it seriously.  That is, doing the problems under contest-like conditions would probably be more beneficial as practice than just looking at the questions and musing over them at leisure.

For those not familiar with the contest format:  the contest is done over 6 hours, in two sessions of 3 hours each, with a 2 hour break in between.  There are twelve questions, with six presented in each of the sessions.  The difficulty of the questions is roughly the same in both sessions;  the first question in each session is usually reasonably easy, and should be attempted first.  Answers are graded out of 10 points (so the maximum score is 120).  I notice from the 2001 results that a score of 20 would earn 494th place out of 2292;  though one is guaranteed to be given two "easy" problems, getting top points is not so trivial.

//link updated

Title: Re: Putnam Contest Archive
Post by hv2004 on Aug 31st, 2003, 8:28am
This site offers the problems and solutions to all of the major mathematics competitions in the world: Putnam, IMO, USAMO and CMO (Chinese Math Olympiad).

http://www.kalva.demon.co.uk  [//link broken]
[//Still available at [link=http://web.archive.org/web/20070826083900/www.kalva.demon.co.uk/index.html]the archive[/link]

This site offers the problems and solutions of International Mathematics Competition for University Students, a competition held in European countries for university students.


Title: Re: Putnam Contest Archive
Post by Grimbal on Jun 8th, 2008, 1:39pm
[edit:] was about a post now removed [/edit]

Yes?  Is there any problem you'd like to discuss on this forum?

I tried to follow the links.  One is in Turkish, the other is one of these sick web sites that has no content but ads and links to other similarly empty web sites, probably all auto-generated from some keywords.

My recommendation: remove.

Title: Re: Putnam Contest Archive
Post by towr on Jun 8th, 2008, 3:13pm
Considering the post is over two years old, I wouldn't be surprised the site just died and expired.
And for the same reason, probably no one will miss it either.

Title: Re: Putnam Contest Archive
Post by Grimbal on Jun 9th, 2008, 12:31am
Was it?  I thought it was a new post.  It was marked as "new".  I guess someone has posted a message here and erased it afterwards bumping this topic back to the top.

But the site is still alive and still commercial.

Title: Re: Putnam Contest Archive
Post by towr on Jun 9th, 2008, 1:49am

on 06/09/08 at 00:31:43, Grimbal wrote:
Was it?  I thought it was a new post.  It was marked as "new".  I guess someone has posted a message here and erased it afterwards bumping this topic back to the top.
Or possibly it was some spam by bbhit I removed.
Or, what occasionally happens with me is that the board forgets which threads I've seen and marks everything new.

But the site is still alive and still commercial.
What I was getting at was that expired sites are often taken over by commercial banner sites.

Title: Re: Putnam Contest Archive
Post by Eigenray on Jun 9th, 2008, 6:48am
kalva used to be an excellent resource, at least as of a few months ago.  It can still be browsed at the [link=http://web.archive.org/web/20070826083900/www.kalva.demon.co.uk/index.html]archive[/link], at least.

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