Falun Gong Exercises


Group practice in San


Group practice in
Washington DC


Group practice in San Jose


Little practitioners in
Washington DC


The five exercises of Falun Dafa are gentle, slow, and easy to learn. There are four standing exercises, and the fifth one is a meditation exercise. They are easy to learn because they don't have complicated hand or leg movements (unlike Yoga for example). Though the exercises movements themselves are simple, some do test one's tolerance and perseverance by requiring one to stay in a stagnant position for a long period of time. Do not worry, it takes a lot of practice.

The five exercises vary in their length, from 10 minutes to one hour. One of Falun Gong's advantages is that the exercises are flexible and suitable to anyone's schedule. You can practice a long time if you have time, or practice some of the five if you have a tight schedule. It's entirely up to you.

All the demonstrations for the five exercises are available online (video).
Chinese Simplified
Chinese Traditional

We also highly recommend that you come to Berkeley's Practice site, because from experience, you learn much faster when someone's teaching you in person. It's also an opportunity to meet those who practice Falun Gong at Berkeley.

Berkeley Weekend Practice Site
Location: West Gate 1/2 Circle
Time: Sat & Sun 9-10:30 am or by arrangement
Contact: falundafa.berkeley@gmail.com

And remember, it's always free.

Falun Gong Exercises

Official Falun Gong Website: www.falundafa.org
Questions and Suggestions, please contact the webmaster
Berkeley Contact: Yukichi, (510) 915-4545, dafaberkeley@yahoo.com

Copyright © 2006 Falun Gong Club
Sponsored by ASUC