August 18, 2005

The mothership got pwn3d!

Last thursday and friday was the Apple Corporate Games. It's kinda like the olympics but much less physical. In fact, about the only two games that is actually sporty is tug of war and volleyball. The others, like Shark Attack, is more along the lines of old school Nickelodeon game shows. And a few are just brain games, kinda like Text Twist and Pictionary.

Anyways, the two FileMaker teams (Cheatahs and Wedgies) combined took gold in 4 of 7 events. Booya!

I was on the B team, the Cheatahs. We were dressed in tan shirts with whiskers painted on and black stickers for spots. :P We got gold in Water Catapult (launch water balloons and have teammates catch them) and set the all time record by 2 of 24 out of 25. We got a silver in Volleyball losing only to our buddies the Wedgies. And we got a bronze in X-Country, which is like a 12-legged race on 2x4s.

Sure, we probably had a better spread of people to put into the teams since most Apple teams were just formed out of their product group. And we did take a little time to practice. But yeah, for many events, there was no contest.

Incidentally, the Wedgies got 2nd place overall when it was looked pretty clear to us that they should have gotten 1st. We're all under the impression that Apple might have fudged the numbers a little :P Either that or the "Spirit Award" has got to be some amazingly huge ass bonus.

Posted by hachu at August 18, 2005 11:09 AM
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