August 18, 2005


Saturday morning, I went with friends to Yosemite and camped in Toulumne Meadows. I hadn't been there in like over 12 years. It was pretty fun!

While we didn't see any bears, we got bitten by a lot of insects. Well, except for SzuHuey who sprayed so much DEET, she's like a walking poison cloud :P

We walked a bit on saturday and encountered a shack with naturally carbonated water. It tastes rusty but supposedly safe. Shortly after, it started raining so we went back to clean up camp. After the rain, we cooked some food from the general store and then roasted marshmellows on the fire.

The next day, we did a 7 mile hike (round trip) to Cathedral Lake and then left for home.

Thanks to David for driving, Eric for the camping supplies, and Karen and Anna for doing most of the planning!

Posted by hachu at August 18, 2005 11:25 AM
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