April 06, 2006

French Food

Since Tanya cooked dinner for Jess and I last month, Jessica's birthday was yesterday, and I wasn't able to meet up for EJ for a movie, I decided it to cook French food for the three of them yesterday.

Soup: French Onion
Entree: Salmon and Epinards (spinach)
Dessert : Creme Caramel (basically flan, but from scratch instead of the jello packs)

While I hadn't done any of these dishes before, I think I did a decent job on all of them except the dessert. The flavor tasted okay, but man it looked ass ugly and had an awful texture on most of it :P

Things to note for next time:
1) When making the rice, use a rice cooker, but add extra water to make it more mushy. Combine the bacon and peas after the rice is done and then let it dry a little more. This ought to make it work better with the jasmine rice.
2) The salmon should be sliced about a half inch thick into a long stripe, and then the spinach mix should be rolling into it.
3) Use bigger bowls for the flan, cover them in foil, and put them two steamers levels up. Putting them in the bottom level makes them too hot, and probably made the texture all weird.
4) French onion soup with 1 lb of onions will look like way too much. It shrinks after cooking so 1 lb is actually right.
5) Trader Joes is the best shopping place ever.
6) Caramelized sugar that is still flowing hurts when you touch it. And it doesn't smooth out very well if you try to use a spoon on it. Let it flow around the sides of the bowl.
7) Toast the bread before putting it into the soup container and pouring the soup in.

Posted by hachu at April 6, 2006 07:39 PM
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