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More Updates to come.. yeah right

I got more. It's just coming slowly. It's like going #2. You can't force it, or else you'll get a hemroid.

09-08-04: I am not in the mood...

I haven't updated this for a while. I mean, what's the point? Life is so pointless anyways. You're just going to die. Just think about what's going to happen when you step out of that happy, little office you work in and you're probably going to get hit by a car. And then even if you don't die, some of your bones are going to break and you'll be lying in a pool of blood and be in excruciating pain for all of an hour because those paramedics were stuck in the traffic that was caused by your accident. And you'll probably end up paralyzed and stuck in a wheelchair the rest of your life with no hope of recovery and the whole bottom half of you body will be numb and lifeless. And with the prejudice and discrimination of disabled people not to mention to lack of facilities to disabled people, your not going to get anywhere in life. And then you'll just want to kill yourself anyways, but you can't because you can even get up the stairs or reach that noose! So you pay someone to kill you, but that person takes pity on you and just takes your money and then you'll be broke because no one will hire you and you'll have to live on the street. And at that time, you want cars to hit you, but cars won't even come near you because you smell. Life's a bitch.

08-25-04: Wanna Watch a Movie?

So if you have been keeping track of my movies section, you would know that I want to watch Yu-Gi-Oh! I know it's a Kiddie movie, but I just have some strange facination with this movie. Well, I am happy to say that I got my free pass to see it in the mail today (courtesy of the WB!) Too bad it's only good for showings on Mondays-Thursdays. The pass is good for two people and so I am just wondering if anyone wants to go see it with me? You wanna see it too? Let me know!

Updates this time:

- Some more profiles are up --> Friends
- Always updating my Movies section

Oh right, it's the first day of school!

07-30-04: OOOh.. a whole new section!

So I find out that Hobomonkeypants has appointed himself the update police. Since he updated his page, I have to update mine. He's such a bad cop. He got too tired of waiting for me to update so he just went to watch TV.

Big updates this time:

- Put up profiles for all friends that start with J: Friends
- Added new section in the stuff section: Movies

07-15-04: He did it again!

Hobomonkeypants is at it again. Why must he be such a punk?

So here's what I did this time:

Just put Justin's profile up! ha!
Oh and I corrected Kristina's age because.. uh.. I was wrong.

So I guess I'll give you a little update about what I am doing. NOTHING. That was fast.

07-14-04: And Update already!

So I wasn't actually going to update anything until a few months later, but then I challenged Hobomonkeypants to a update war. He updated his website, so I have to update mine. Damn him!

So here's what I did:

Added some People>Tribe Profiles. If somebody is unhappy with what I wrote about them, then just email me and I will take it down and put something less offensive but equally insulting up. Otherwise, you'll be immortalized as the jerks I make you out to be.

Alright, that was way too much work for me. I wish that didn't bring this on myself. At least I get joy in insulting people through a whole new media!

07-01-04: Brand Spanking New!

Huey's supercool web page is now super new! Thanks to the long, boring, lazy summer, this Webpage has gone through a complete redesign! Along with a new look, I am trying to fill this page with all new useless information and other pointless stuff. It'll ten times more useless than my old webpage and take up ten times more space!

In this redesign, I have done away with the frames and table based layout. I even tried to stay away from javascript! This whole page was built on the power of CSS. Umm.. although CSS is powerful, it's not uniformally supported by all browsers just yet. I was lazy and didn't build any cross browser functionality, so differet browsers may experience different results. For some reason, I don't really care!=P

Here are the main sections of the site and what they're for:

Home - Updates, acknowledgements, etc. Boring stuff really. Which why it's the first thing you see when you get here. I have to force you to look at it! It's that bad.
About - Probably the most important part of this site. Here, you will learn what I like/dislike, things I want, and qualities I am looking for in a mate. If you learn nothing else from this site, at least learn what I want for my next birthday!
People - Wannabes, freaks, and dorks. You know. My friends!
Stuff - Random stupid stuff. Things you would probably enjoy.
Links - The most exciting part of any web site -- The way out!

I'm sure by now you are ready to click out of here and surf to your favorite porn site, but be sure to come back because if you don't, how else will I insult you with my awesome sarcastic wit and blatant misuse of grammar?