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Old Diary Entries


Arrow Final Session of KISS³!!


After a long time on-air, KISS³ has come to an end.
We aired for a little less than 2 years; thank you for your support. m(_ _)m
I got to become friends with Youko-chan, so I've come away with quite a few assets. I hope Youko-chan will let me continue to lunch with her sometimes and write some more songs for her.
What do you say? <-- to Youko-chan
To everyone who tuned into our program, I look forward to the day when we can meet again......! (^^)/

Arrow JAM, and...


Today was the day of Anipara's live taping session. I memorized all the lyrics for our songs to a "T" (unusual for me......)

That night...
This is an appendix.
We ended the taping session and everyone went out for a party. From the left, there's: Nogawa Sakura-chan, Shintani Ryoko-chan, Chiba Saeko-chan, and me. The scary figure in the front (*o*) is Kageyaman-san and Rika-sama. The one in the back row is Director Inoue Ookoso.
Hm... our different personalities really show in this photo.
Everyone... thank you for your hard work.....

Arrow Anipara Rehearsal


We had our rehearsal today. It was fun, especially since I haven't sung with the other members of JAM in a concert setting for a while!
While I watched Nogawa Sakura-chan, Shimokawa Mikuni-chan, Chiba Saeko-chan, Momoi Haruko-chan, and Shintani Ryoko, I thought, "Hm... They're so cute."
It appears it was Shimokawa Mikuni-chan's birthday, too, so we all sang "Happy Birthday" together. (^^)
Momoi-chan's singing voice is very pretty and very penetrating; I really felt that everyone was trying to sing as best they could, so I felt encouraged to do my best, too. I look forward to the real performance.

Arrow Anipara Rehearsal Tomorrow


Immediately following the concert tour, I was battling some exhaustion and a strange sense of pain in my body, but now I've completely recovered.
In the meantime, I have a rehearsal for Anipara tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it because there will be quite a few guest stars this time around.
Especially since I don't feel too connected even for official concerts, much less for television-related things.
"Sprouting vs. Burning" is a commonly used comparison, and it fits perfectly. When I first debuted, I think my songs leaned towards a "sprouty" feel, but nowadays my songs are decidedly "burny", an about-to-turn-to-ash kind of style.
Anyways, I'm really excited.

Arrow Barely Recuperated...


After tying up the tour finale on March 13th at Shibuya O-EAST, I felt completely exhausted. I'm finally feeling a littled recuperated now. Usually, after any concert, I'm pretty exhausted, but this time it was incredibly so. Maybe because the concert itself was very intense. Even though I was a bit tired, I tried to push my limits, and that probably had something to do with it. But that's my way of doing things, so I guess it can't be helped.
To all of you who came, really, thank you very much. Especially since we recorded a lot of this concert for a planned DVD release.
We also recorded some concert footage at Osaka.
We already have a lot of live concert DVDs out, but I think this newest one feels even more powerful than the ones before it, so please look forward to it.
More details will be announced via the MaBIC Fanclub and also here at makusonia. There's still a lot of juicy information to tell you all, so please wait for it!!!

To everyone involved in the realization of this concert tour:
"You've worked really hard and well; thank you very much!"

Arrow Happy Birthday To Me


It's the 13th at last!! I spent yesterday watching my Nagoya concert video at home.
I wanted to have a big party, but I can't be doing that on the day before my precious concert... I think after doing image training today, I'll try to get some good shut-eye tonight.
To those of you coming to Shibuya O-East today!
Chear as loud as you can.....!
I bought just for today some "02 Water" that a fan recommended to me.
Right now it's still packaged in the packing box....
When I tried to open it just now, I met with an accident. (ToT)
Whe morning comes, I'll break them out and bring them to the concert!!
If you see me with a water bottle in my hand, it'll be the O2 water......

Arrow Tomorrow, Huh....


Tomorrow will be the finale of the "ReBirth" tour.
My spirits are still pretty high, and I can't seem to get to sleep tonight. (It's still the night of the 11th right now). My insomnia has several factors, like the fact that it's will be my birthday in a few hours, and I keep thinking, "Oh, I'm yet another year older!" Have I progressed in this one year? Or am I doing what a grown-up should be doing? It's not that I have terrified as if, "Oh no, I'm becoming an old granny!" or anything, but I think I'm more worried about if I'm showing a maturity that is appropriate to my age. I've come to focus more on the inside rather than on external appearances; I wonder if that means I've grown more mature, even just a little...?
In any case, I'll do my best tomorrow.

I wonder if Danny from JAM will come again to this concert and watch from the audience...

Arrow A Big Sauna in Sapporo!!


The concert at Sapporo's Penny Lane 24 finished smoothly!! It's already March, but the weather in Sapporo was about -2ºC, and there must have been a 40ºC difference between the temperature outside and the temperature inside the concert hall, wasn't there??? And because of that, it became really humid inside and the floor and walls got really warm and damp..... It was very much like a hot sauna in there. Even the mirror I was using got so clouded up that I could see anything...
Well... It was amazing. But it was very fun. (^o^)
All that's left is Shibuya O-East.
Everyone, be sure to cheer loudly!!!

Arrow Odaiba


Yesterday at the Satellite Studios in Odaiba, I appeared as a guest on the radio show "Music Hot Flavor". To those dear souls who came to visit despite the cold.... thank you so much! Now, I'm going to take a warm bath, sleep, and then head for Sapporo.
Is it cold there? I wonder if it's snowing... Hm, I wonder what I should bring to wear over there. To everyone in Sapporo, I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Arrow For the Princess Doll Festival


I went to Akihabara today for the first time in a long while!!!
I went there to do some shopping, but I also went into Animate and AsobitCity to take a look at my CD's and DVD's.
Asobit's "Anime Corner" was showcasing JAM's DVDs. In the vicinity, there was a poster about me on the wall. It mentioned my "10th Anniversary Campaign", but I couldn't see anything about "ReBirth"..... (T-T) <-- Either tears of joy or tears of sadness....

To me, it really seems like a good thing to do things like this sometimes and go observe these entertainment stores with my own eyes.
For one thing, when I'm first making the jacket to one of my CDs, I think, "This looks really good!". But it feels completely different when you have it lined up with all the other CDs in a store like this. It's a nice chance for me to look at things like a customer. And since the average music store employee seems able to sense the future trends in the anime industry.... I thought about maybe striking up a conversation with some of them in the store, but I didn't have enough courage. So I just went home. Hm... I'm kind of a coward!
But Animate and AsobitCity really are treating us well. Thank you so much.
(I guess I'll say my thanks here...)

Arrow On Radio on March 5


It's somewhat short notice, but I've been scheduled to appear on radio. For more details, please look on the media page.
What else... It's pretty cold, isn't it... It's March already, but the weather seems to have reverted to winter. I won't get sick during my concert tour! Dehydration's also a formidable opponent!!! Everyone, please be careful, too.
Sapporo's gonna be cold, too, won't it......


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