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Old Diary Entries


Arrow It's Hot...


The weather is so hot and sultry...
I've had the air conditioning on a lot, even though I know it's not good for my body or my throat. (--) It's because I can't sleep... and even my cats seem very heated and lethargic....
Hm... my electricity bill is incredible.

But, I should try to get a little sweat going so my body can regulate its temperature more on its own... or so I keep saying, to caution myself.
Everyone, please be careful, too.

Arrow These Past Few Days


...I've been writing lyrics and music for myself.
Hm, should I make it really exciting, really bright, really cheerful... When I look at all the songs I've sung in the past, I keep worrying that I'm using the same old set patterns of song styles.
Anyway, any song is good if it'll work in a concert, I guess... Hm... are these what you might call artistic labor pains? (+o+)

Oh right! This is an addendum.
The typhoon is passing through Japan, isn't it.
Everyone, be careful!! I will, too...

Arrow Um... Shall I Say...


Danny (of JAM) had a recording session today.
The details are there on Danny's webpage. There was a photo I wanted to post here (taken by En-chan), but it was already posted on Danny's diary, so I let it go...
...Well, no problem. No problem at all...

It was just a photo of my leg.
In any case, they created a really good song...
It seems Danny is well-suited to songs with a Visual-Rock flair to them. Good job...

Arrow Today We Had the...

2004/06/16 shoot for "Miyabi". I've just noticed, I haven't written in this diary for about a week now... How do you say it... "The pictures are quite 'adult-ish'"??? That doesn't sound quite right. "Miyabi" is about a large portion of my life, so it's got a lot of my spirit in it, too. (-00-)

Arrow Hot and Humid...


If I turn on the air conditioner, it gets cold; but if I turn it off it becomes too warm...
I feel so uncomfortable right now.
Isn't there a typhoon raging around in the west?
We've entered the rainy season, and the rain has been really amazing.
Please be careful when you're driving, OK?
I'm a bad driver on rainy days... I can't see the--what do you call them?--white lines on the roads. That is, the road becomes reflective like a mirror, so it becomes very dangerous if you don't drive slowly.
Oh... I'd really like to see some sunny weather right about now.

Arrow Macaroni-kun's and Monty's...

2004/06/06, " The Space Funkool ", had a live concert which En-chan (Endou Masaaki) and I went to. While we were there, we met with keyboardist Imai-kun. Hm... he is really amazing... It seems like he'll be doing a one-man live this coming December. After the concert I went backstage and took a few photos with En-chan, Imai-kun, and the rest of " Supefan ". Okui acts as cameraman!

....Wow, En-chan really has an interesting " photo face " ....

Arrow I Finished My Crafts Project


This is a crystal pendant that I fashioned after the crystal pendant that Monty gave me as a souvenir. The thing attached to it is made of amethyst and of a whatever-its-called green stone. Incidentally, I had it lying around in my house so I just added it on. It's a work full of self-confidence!
I'm just getting started. Let's make some more!!!
Maybe I should make some as presents for MaBIC...?
Maybe, for the guys, I'll use leather to make the chain... And for the girls, something slender might look cuter.
What do you think?


Website copyright © 2002-2008Teresa Ko. This website's maintainer has no affiliation to KING RECORDS, MaBIC, evolution, Geneon Entertainment, etc. Please direct any legal issues to the website maintainer.