Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Final Grade Up

The final score is up, as is solution to the final (on the newsgroup).

If you doubt your score, etc., go to 385 Soda tomorrow and ask to see your final. If we did made a grading mistake, email me *BY FRIDAY* (Email...not IM) and I will go to Cindy and check out your final. Again, I am not going to / able to do anything after Friday. Also, please be honest and reasonable (I have no obligation to do this).

Good luck on the rest of the final and have a great summer!

Edit: You should email me by 12pm tomorrow because the grades will be submitted on Friday morning according to bh.


Anonymous said...

385 soda was closed around 930-10am this morning (friday)...woot?

10:19 AM  
Anonymous said...

class is over but i still visit this page... how weird..

10:57 PM  

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