Re: What Govt Act Bugs You Most?

Kevin Dempsey Peterson (
Mon, 3 Nov 1997 21:01:00 -0800

On 4 Nov 1997, Seth David Schoen wrote:

> Censorship and suppression of dissent.
> (Before I became a libertarian, I was a left-liberal, as I've said in
> other contexts; although I believe completely in economic freedom, I'm
> still _most_ concerned about freedom of speech.)

As I see it, the biggest danger out there is that the government will
be able to gain such an influence over people's opinions that it can't
be changed.  That's why I voted for Clinton last election: I figured
that however messed up his economics might be, we'd still have the
power to change them.  Of course, it turns out that Clinton wants not
much less control over your private life than, say, dear Chairman Mao,
but come on, it's all for the sake of the poor children, scarred for
life by accidentally stumbling accross a hard core porn site on the
net just by typing "hardcore porn XXX bondage" into hotbot.

(for the curious:
Returned: 31441 matches. 
Breakdown: hardcore: 157420, porn: 160675,
xxx: 373490, bondage: 105152)

I wouldn't class it as the thing that bothers me most, because they
aren't yet engaging in it to any noticible degree.  It is the thing
that /worries/ me the most, though.

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