Re: What Govt Act Bugs You Most?

Daniel C. Burton (
13 Nov 1997 23:24:53 GMT

What bugs me the most is that people are serving 25-year Federal prison
sentences for the posession of marijuana, and more generally that the
government insists on telling us what we can and can't put in our bodies
"for our own good."  

It's one of those things where the whole attitude around the issue just
bugs me beyond belief and the libertarian ethic really resonates for me.
If someone knows the effects of drugs and they want to do them, who the
hell are you to tell them they can't live their life the way they want to?

I never would have even heard of the Libertarian Party if it wasn't for
Timothy Leary.  I read a newspaper article about his speech before some
Libertarian Party convention that had the web address for the LP homepage,
and that's how I found out.