Re: private schools

Jeff Bishop (Jeff@Bishop.NET)
Thu, 01 Jan 1998 16:21:07 -0800

n sisa wrote:

>  If Libertarians believe the private sector can do a much better job
> than government, why are you guys enrolled in a public school?

Um... maybe because this one happens to be among the few great "public"
(government) schools?  Add to that Michigan, maybe Texas, Virginia, or
Wisconsin, and how many other truly great government schools can you name?
How many private ones?

> Another important factor was cost, I really don't know how I could
> afford Stanford or USC, even with grants and scholarships.

I'd be interested in knowing how the *total* cost of an education at Cal
compares with the total cost of Stanford or USC.  Is it really cheaper, or
just a matter of who pays for your degree?