Re: Mayoral race

Daniel C. Burton (
9 Feb 1998 05:48:18 GMT

Kevin Dempsey Peterson <peterson@ocf.Berkeley.EDU> wrote in article
> On 8 Feb 1998, Daniel C. Burton wrote:
> >Since almost everyone seems to support things like smoking bans and all
> >sorts of violations of individual rights, it's probably not a good idea
> >us to support anyone.  In fact, I'm leaning towards endorsing "none of
> >above."  At least low voter turnout is interpreted as a sign that
> >something's wrong.
> Screw low voter turn out -- write in "None of the Above".  Not voting
> leaves it unclear why people didn't vote.  A write in (for anyone) is a
> clear indication that you care who is in office, but don't like any of
> the options.  Besides, Dean 40% what's her name 35% other 25% would be a
> good encouragement for anyone else who is considering running.

I don't think that gets recorded.  "None of the Above" is not a "qualified
write-in candidate," so therefore the only people who will see this are the
polling workers.  Sure, it's fun to write this in, but you should know it's
the same thing as casting a blank ballot (which isn't recorded either).

This is what the Libertarian Party keeps complaining about about ballot
access laws.  You can't even be a qualified write-in candidate without
going through certain requirements.  This doesn't seem to be the case for
the Presidential election, but it is for almost every other office.