Re: LP Press Release: Jerry Springer (fwd)

George J. Lee (
18 Mar 1998 15:43:38 -0800 (Kevin Dempsey Peterson) writes:

> If we are going to consider changing affiliations, we need to consider
> what the goals of the group (Cal Libertarians, I mean) are, and how those
> goals can be acheived.

Regarding this issue, I read an article in the LP News about student
libertarian groups. One guy who's helping to organize these groups

    A very useful tactic for campus Libertarians is to organize several
    Libertarian groups, each of which has a different purpose. In
    particular, I suggest that activists establish at least two groups:
    One group should be explicitly LP-oriented, the other should be an
    explicitly non-partisan, educational group. (For example, at UVA, we
    have nine Libertarian-run organizations, each eastablished to address
    a specific need.)

I don't think we have enough people to do this yet, but in the future
we could start an ISIL affiliated organization.
