Berkeley Liberty Union Online?

Giovanna M. Dal Busco (
25 Mar 1998 20:38:04 GMT


	Is anyone interested in sharing scholarship/articles/papers they've
written and/or are writing on subjects related to liberty or which
incorporate their libertarian philosophies?  The Berkeley Libertarian
Union was once dedicated to this venture, but it became somewhat stifled
since participation was by foot rather than by e-mail... meaning that
folks just didn't read others' work a whole lot of time, but just showed
up at random to talk off the top of their head.  Granted, this input has
some value, but I'd like to share recent papers I've written (primarily in
the realm of Intellectual property/ Law on the Internet or Rational Choice
Theory or Consumer Choice as applied to other domains in law) with folks
in a cooperative academic venture.  Please e-mail me if you are interested
in participating in an online version of the BLU.

	I find peer input to be of great value, particularly since the BLUs past
were populated by members from diverse departments (econ, math, computer
sci, biology, etc.) who offered valuable input to my papers.  I don't
think it matters what level you're in, but I actually enjoy reading the
work of others, and miss having a supportive environment to "test out"
papers (even if it's just proofreading help:)... particularly since
"libertarianism" is considered heterodox for many parts of the Berkeley
	I don't care if you're objectivist/anarchist/libertarian/"free
spirit" or what-have-you, just that you have that "joy of learning" that
sent you to Berkeley in the first place.  All levels could benefit from
such a group, and I am sure that I'll enjoy reading many papers/articles
from you all.  My own areas of expertise are rather limited, but I would
enjoy creating a supportive environment for academics of all levels.

Please write me if you'd like to be a part of this new BLU mailing list.



Jennie M. Dal Busco
Ph.D. Student, Jurisprudence and Social Policy ("JSP")
University of California, Berkeley/ Boalt Hall

"I'd rather you lied and said I'm a stripper than lied and told folks we
met online" -- conversation overheard between friend H. Bach to her
current beau.