Selected essays (rants)

A collection of my rants. Take lightly and use sparingly. Sorted in reverse chronological order.

Why plain text email

Dec 2, 2010

Plain text email is email, plain and simple.

I believe in typefaces

June 8--10, 2009

The allure of typefaces, fonts, and typography in general.

Letter to Cory Doctorow on Big Media

April 26, 2009

In response to Doctorow's article "Big Entertainment Wants to Party Like It's 1996".

On Alternative Energy

March 1, 2009, April 15, 2009 (minor edits)

The feasibility of alternative energy and fuels.

Why Public Education Must Use Public Software

February 7, 2009, February 9, 2009 (revised)

Argument in favor of promoting and using free software for public education in the United States.

The Return of the Electric Vehicle

February 5-6, 2009

In response to New York Times article "Detroit Goes for Electric Cars, but Will Drivers?".

The Goals of Education

February 2, 2009

The goals of education and how they are being met.

IP Licensing (Patent Satire)

November 30, 2008, November 2, 2009 (minor edits)

Fictional story with anti- genetic, software, and business patent sentiments.

Software: The User's Rights

November 23, 2008, December 19, 2008 (revised)

Comparison of free software with proprietary software.

I am a Nerd

November 16, 2008

Identification with a nerd philosophy.

Letter to Professor Lessig on Free Culture

October 16, 2008

In response to Lessig's book "Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity".