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Title: Rollercoaster
Date: 08/26/1998

Today was quite the rollercoaster ride:
The Good The Bad
I got off the waiting list to become enrolled in my psychology of gender class. The discussion section I was waitlisted for for my general psychology class was cancelled.
I had lunch with Jed Hubbs who recently started the chemistry graduate program here at Cal.
Still have lots of medical insurance forms to fill out.
Received more car insurance forms, but they were for my mom so it will now take even more time for me to send them to her and get those forms completed.
I still don't know what I should do for my traffic citation.  Go to trial?  Trial by delcaration?  Just pay the fine and go to traffic school?
Waiting for the rest of the health bills to arrive.
My mom can't find the pink slip to the car, so the insurance company still thinks that Toyota is the legal owner of the car.
  It'll take at least another month before I can get another car.
It's been three weeks since the accident, and I had hoped to at least get a good part of this paperwork done.  The uncertainty of what I should do in regards to the traffic citation really bothers me.  Now that school's started, I have a lot of other things to do besides waiting for more paperwork to come in and playing phone tag with various insurance people.

I know that I'm complaining way too much, since I'm lucky to just be sitting here and complaining.  I guess I feel like I'm running as fast as I can just to stay in the same place, a la Alice in Wonderland.  I just got so fed up with everything that I had to get out and relieve some stress at the gym... ran on the treadmill for a good thirty minutes.  I also need to thank Hao for letting me beat him up with a sofa cushion.  I'm know things will work out in the end, but it's just so hard to even try to move on when there are so many things that are still holding me back.

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