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Quiz Time!

Now that we have learned so much about our topic, it is time for a quiz! Good luck!

1. Cassette Tapes were replaced by ________.
a. pigeons
b. DAT tapes
c. compact discs(CDs)

2. When were CDs introduced to the US market?
a. Late 1970s
b. Early 1980s
c. Early 1990s
3. The widespread utilization of internet-based music interfaces leads to which of the following?
a. Higher prices for music
b. Competition among companies and music globalization.
c. More music piracy.
4. Because MP3s are more convenient to use than CDs and tapes, they are always of better sound quality than music from both CDs and tapes.
a. True
b. False
5. What is the direction the music industry is taking?
a. MP3s and internet-based music interfaces like iTunes.
b. CDs, CDs, and more CDs!
c. Back to the basics, like cassette tapes, DAT tapes, and minidiscs.

Correct answers:
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:

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