For an easy print-out, click here to download our reservation sheet.

1. Plan out how you want the event to be, what kind of room you want, and how big the event will be, etc.

2. Check with Campus Life and Leadership (CLL) or Building Operations (B-Ops) for venue/room availability.

3. Depending on the nature and location of the event, SUPERB sound may not be required. Upper Sproul already has sound, and B-Ops can provide basic sound stuff.

4. If it is determined that SUPERB sound is required, contact us for availability of our services. In an email to superbsoundrequests@gmail.com with the subject line "SUPERB services needed...", please be very specific as to the date, time, location, intended size of the event, and what exactly you need. We will get back to you ASAP about our availability.

5. If the venue and SUPERB (if needed) are both available, reserve the location/space.

6. Fill out all the necessary forms with CLL.

7. Schedule a time to come by the SUPERB office (4 Eshleman Hall) to fill out all the necessary paperwork and negotiate the price. Remember, before we can confirm any sound rental, we need a copy of the reservation confirmation from the applicable place (i.e. - CLL, B-Ops, the city, etc.).