Let's start from scratch again. What is linear algebra?
This is a textbook on linear algebra by Prof Givental.
row vectors, column vectors, matrices. Let's also review the index notation $a_i = \sum_{j} M_{ij} b_j$
Very concrete, very computable.
Geometrical, as we went over in class.
A 2-dimentional vector is something you can draw.
A 3-dim vector, hmm, harder.
how about 4-dim vector? $\infty$-dim one? It doesn't matter the dimension, the rule we obtain from 2 and 3 dimensional one is good enough.
the goofy math prof: a vector space is a set $V$ together with two operations
such that, some obvious conditions should be satisfied.
Why we care about this? Because it is somehow useful.
For example,
How does vector space talk to each other? Linear map.
Do an example of stretching, skewing.
Do a non-example of bending a line in $\R^2$.
Kernel, image and cokernel
We didn't quite cover the idea of a quotient space. I will do that next time.