Actual work

Chiral magnetism

The investigation of magnetic multilayers hosting topological non-trivial spin-textures like chiral domain walls and skyrmions is a central part of my scientific activity. The richer physics and higher stability and functionality of chiral spin-textures when compared with topologically trivial magnetic states such as achiral domain walls makes them very appealing from a scientific as well as an application point of view. My work consists in the design and development of new magnetic materials systems hosting chiral domain walls and skyrmions and the study of their stability and transport properties.

Composite multiferroics

Multiferroic systems are materials systems where two or more ferroic orders are present at the same time and coupled to each other. Materials systems where the ferromagnetic order is coupled to the ferroelectric (magneto-electric materials) and/or the ferroelastic order (magneto-elastic materials) offer the possibility to manipulate the magnetization state with an electric field. Such effect is very promising from an application point of view, since it offers a very energy efficient approach to magnetization control, opening the path towards the development of ultra-low power magnetic data storage and sensing devices.

Composite multiferroics are systems where a magnetic material is physically coupled to a ferroelectric\ferroelastic material through a shared interface. Of high interest is the understanding of the magneto-electric coupling at such interface and the tailoring of it for the development of new, energy efficient magnetoelectric devices.