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download tic-tac-toe.exe
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My Tic-Tac-Toe search engine uses a negamax search algorithm to determine the best possible sequence of moves to play.  What this means is it searches every branch in the tree of possible positions, where branches terminate at a decisive position.  It can be assumed that the player who's turn it is to move will pick the most advantageous move at each position.  So the computer picks the score of the move that best helps the player to move, and returns it up the tree.

1)  Click on download tic-tac-toe.exe, then click open.
2)  You will see some text followed by "the computer moves 0".  Typing one of the numbers 1-9 will fill a square on the board.  By typing "0", you pass the turn to the computer.
3)  After you enter your move, the board will be displayed.  You are the 1's, the computer is the 2's.  The computer will tell you its move and redisplay the board.
4)  Repeat this until the game is over.  Right now the program exits after a win, loss, or draw.
5)  Also, be kind, there is no error checking so its pretty easy to mess things up.