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Old Diary Entries


Arrow Recording Sessions Yesterday and Today!


I'm slowly working on recording for the upcoming album 'Dragonfly'. I've been recording both yesterday and today.
Yesterday, I went to a studio in the city...
It was an intense session of recording.
And then, today I was at Yabuki (Toshirou)'s studio.
Incidentally, today was pretty intense, too. (T=T)
I can't write in any more detail right now, but... we're working together.
I'll be making more announcements shortly.
So, this is Baako-san, a catt hat the Yabuki family recently took into their home.
Unlike my own Fuku-chan and Mii-chan, this is a pure-bred cat. It's very young, too! It was brought from home to visit the studio.

With this and that, it's been a fun couple days of recording.

Arrow The Chat Conference is Tomorrow.


The lucky few have already been selectd, I believe. Since it's set for tomorrow.
It's been a while since our last chat conference, so I hope that those of you who are attending can think of some topics and questions that we can talk about. The time we have is limited, so.... It always feels like right when we start getting deeply into the discussion, it's time to go! Therefore...
I'm looking forward to it.

Oh yes.
As part of the plan to package together the upcoming Live DVD and album, the music video (that is, PV) for 'Olive' will also be included. More information is being posted on the 'evolution' website. This video embodies the melody and lyrics very well. Feel free to take a look.

Arrow Today was Danii's 10th Anniversary Concert


I went to watch Danii's live concert.
It's been a while since I last saw a fellow JAM member (except for Rika-chan), so we talked a lot.
I jumped into the middle as the JAM men were on stage, and took part in singing the upcoming 'Genkai Battle' and 'Nageki no Rosary'. (^-^)
Today I watched as a part of the audience.
As I glanced at the faces of all of Danii's fans, I thought, 'Oh, many guys have also come, too.'
I also got to see Danii being very relaxed and carefree, which is different from how he is as part of JAM.... I guess it's not just me, but everyone acts differently when they're part of JAM versus when they're performing solo.

Oh yes.
After the concert, I ate with the Lantis staff members, Kageyama-san, En-chan, and Fuku-chan.

Arrow Mistake! Mistake!


On today's broadcast of 'Olive', I said the wrong information about the schedule of my 2005 'Dragonfly' tour. (T=T)

I said 'December 18 and December 27', but it hasn't changed from the original 'Feb. 18 & Feb. 27, 2005'!!
Ah well, sorry for the error. m(_ _)m
Hm... I said something wrong without even realizing it... What a fright, what a fright.....
I'll be more careful from here on out.


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