Transelating "The Waste Land"

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Laura Gianonne


A pearl crawls constructing moths, seeding

small sacs of heads and hands, mincing

what was said and what was done, tearing

lulls out with new lives.

The time before was softer, soft palms hovering

ears thinking the forgotten things that fell, seeding

pinches at a time without using water.

The next thing came like the seeds that actually grew, without water, like light

penetrating scalloped walkways We stopped there in sudden water,

and when it ended we emerged, surrounded by cacti,

We sank into seats, thought out loud of our whole.

Containers gawking in a great black city stammered at our language, at our eating habits.

An era in dens, slaying roaches and nukes,

mitosis shook the red back into our faces,

I sighed. Husky marine,

marine, loosen your grip. Endowments of lent didn't work anymore.

Mounting trains we felt the air exhale and transpiration lifted us.

We ride, slouch in the dark, and rise again with the rain.


I don't understand the things that grab, that cinch into

piles of cast offs. Nat Turner,

slaying cans, dresses, forests of knowledge

into pools here, under broken mirrors,

another drinking another whip, another endless sound,

dirges crumble in this dry place. On deeds

here that hide in a valley of monuments where shadows lengthen under solitary stacks of ancient sea creatures, packed under

years of pressure into burning slabs, jabbing against the sun and heavy horizon

(sun into sun into shade and onto sky they burn),

Irises doused in another ether,

the hottest part trailing from your heels will reveal how it really walks

and the coldest part how it really sings;

Dust storms frequent this place and fling red earth against the air.

Finding what the wind

does hitting you

my iris kindling

whittled dust

"I got the last of the blooms before a God tore them away;

"I was branded reaper."

-We set sacks, plates, homes of cinched rows of blooms,

dulling our embrace, and you a harlot, I pushed

to say, but my irises had already faded away, and I knew her

I knew she was dead,

dust locking the parts of speech.

Ships disintegrated on dry waters.


Yellow bicycles roam, famished soothsayers,

old hags, undress

in town under eyes lit under years of rope,

wicks stacked in shards. There, it is silent,

hissing shard, hedonist phoenixes railing or

(see the shells that held his sight. He sought!)

where Isabella donned rocks to die,

melody of places and times.

Another captured at sea, betting,

clinching planks, harried in his organs,

Again blinding everything on the other side of skin. Idle knots

are things in hands. Torn teeth flying towards her.

Sinking crows off populating, balking rounds.

Tanks hew. Fucking scenes of equines,

All harried in rings holes scoping hyacinths:

ther hooves fall fully these days.


A peeled sinking Persepolis,

Thebes utter, owning the haze that comes with spring,

When a crow flowered long and above the span of man,

Unaware it killed him with the beat and flux of its feathers,

high and hot ending focused, impaled and deflating,

the shadow pointed arrows on the ground for man to follow.

It flew down a draft and up a singing heat,

towards Saigon via Norman time

whispering flatly as the bell towers held the bells, swinging.

Ferries moved, you, pausing in the street to lie, "That Son!"

"We fought together in a place of oils!

"How is your mother,

"still dead, decaying? What has come of her?

"Or has she already risen with the thaw?

"I have a scarecrow for your mother, to keep the rats away,

"from swooping down on bulging soil.

"We confuse each other, shouting in the street, away from battle!"


Everything must must

be in place, hair straight

new cracks can spread into big cracks

through roads

can reveal inconsistencies,

where no one went anywhere but through.

Paper-thin ownership

Accept Christ

and thoughts of darkness, the buried things, are buried

Dirt fills eyes, irises crack, lithify

and drop dust onto tattered gowns

casting small shadows on translucent thighs

when they press together, trapping water

clothes dyed with wine and mud

each time they're dunked they spread dye in a stream

So many dirty

white sheets, washerwomen wring sounds

for all ears

hair grows even from hallow genitals

and mothers cling small arms into numbness

their hands too small to swat all the mosquitoes

all raise torches, shake hearts in the dry air

buoys in the sea miles away, up and down

the walls of the pounds shake, wire fence holds them together

catchers deafened by the warning colors

pupils tighten on the horizon, the sky, edges

they rattle bones

throw them up

spinning, spinning, threads wind

fingers, elbows, across lips- a wave

crests, on a distant shore

rats claw at ribcages,

trying to get out

hot, bothered- clouds flee

then the bandits come in, identifying banks

mothers small hands swat swat

sneaky children, crawling under flailing hands

and run to the rivers

Books, horses, with wooden walls they know

a wave rises on a quiet shore

thighs a foot apart, three feet apart- people look up

nodding nodding, a wave hitting a plane

heads turn, eyes close


Eye to eye they stared at each other's molded noses

that watch, riddled with lies and diamonds

cotton picked and silk worms worked to the bones, an ugly sweater

habits learned from the best, the Holy

nightly whispers into the soft ears of Dior and Prada (never surprised at the deity's hot breath)

and countesses and purses fly, counts

all hold onto a guided rope and walk, fingers slide across twine and pearls

gold pulses under pale skin, jets groan above and

Moths conquer the handpicked black-browns, ambrosias, mustards, grenadines

pews creak, the same, the same, only now fed on pan grease, things that take their last breath in a warehouse

under white lights, they flicker, irregular, the buzzing of machinery accommodates all whispers

the last person to touch the food (with gloved hands and face) returns to a building

there's no room for children, overflowing garbage

urban sprawl, sprawlsprawlsprawl


All arms, all three eyes, couldn't save it

falling through, a blue throat gulped

Fields of grains withered, calling out to her

Judas puckers his lips

(winemaking, an ancient practice)

Men on small bicycles circle through the park: "Bud, bud bud…"

We live in dirt, walk on it

sweet-sour pork sometimes the only consolation

after casting spells into the sky

rote rote rote again and again

They all saw the spines curving from sitting so long, sinking

flowers bloomed outside

They chased lies in the dark,

everywhere they went crickets fell silent

Each time the chirping returned they were scared it was a siren

Warsaw in hands

Great p-waves, s-waves rippled out, an unmoving epicenter

duststorms filled in the cracks

They all fell into the cracks, reaching

Exodus, red tide? -chanting emerges from the dust

"We are sinking!"

grit clogs joints and faces all look the same under grains

muffled crickets mark where nobody has been.

They moved to the sea, zero altitude. The dust caked, only on outsides

filling the spaces in their minds

One spread the water with pulling arms

others grabbed at the soft hairs on his forearms, pulled the seaweed from his triton, his white beard

they felt his flesh under numb fingers

he rose on a wet horse, regal, shrugged

he fell. Oceans recede and the earth lies naked

he had muscled his lips into submission

and they understood his arms

he threw water over dust,

they, turgid, wavering

Reptiles retreated to the depths.


Odysseus is at it again, drooling on the rail passing women on the shore

his hat flies off and embodies the wind, crumples into eaves

Curving bodies under the sun- are they singing,

as they work? they have no idea, sunning in temples, the

tempests we've endured. We've sailed far and for the longest time

Look at them, beads of sweat on foreheads, sheer fabrics- their eyes are on the bow

skipping stones on the sea

the biggest swells we've faced thus far

We forget we're wingless, sometimes

and too many of us see our reflections in

the deep sea bubbles, perpetually rising…

His hand sweats on the wooden rail, small ripples

Each time the sun goes down it stains

Red stains, orange, pink, black, all dripping into the sea

the shore washed away

We drink in the celestial ooze

We drink until we can't hear the hum of the engine.


Gills filter blind under thermocline

Do trout leave tracks after flight

one bubble where they breathed; lungs understood

currents on currents blow through tides and tides

deep sea vents plumes of magma- black smoke streams from singed fins

and rows of fishing line drop in unison. They never cross.

Kelp strands float back and forth.

"What are they doing what are they?" They are mostly flat.

"Bulbs?" each air pocket lifts the previous flat wet leaf

there are shadows of flowers floating above.

Olive leaves flip drift through lines, waving

On top they weave on the surface, water snakes, spreading behind stroking arms, spreading behind steel boats.

"Are they restored?" Fishers tilt in boats looking down

their lines disappear after a quarter of an inch; hooked fish will push kelp up, germinating

The moon pulls and everything is shifting to land

smallest waves slap the sides of boats

"The ship comes in and are we above water?" see it?

sediments fall to the ground, under water, lithify

"Tonight we dredge them"

the only light in settled sediments from anglers' hooked eye

smothered in kelp forest abandoned by bubbles that rise then finally pop in air

serpentine arms heavy and thick leeching light

everything below drowns


Is there, piece, waves

what can I strain from sand

a bead of water, many beads, skin stretching on top of a penny

my forgotten tail wagging under skin and tendons

soundless phone calls to anonymous numbers

Stop. Look.

Less and less hearing

and the pressure in ears expands until drum skin

is so thin it tears out hairs, even the roots.

It took knives splitting cells to move anything

(on wind)

blood orange splattered under blades and sponge white peeled away.

An unknown humming- still

an unknown teacher- what's new

lies like snakes through sand.

Things nearby fighting each other, tough meat

and drunk on wine

wild grasses drowned in wine

never cut, delivered.

Where is the cut grain, where is it in bags?

only birds from a place to see it on the ground, but nowhere to put it

birds fighting queen bees for honey

crash and fall

children toss the carcasses into air.

We will never fly.

Reading pages and syntax

(what have I done)

absorption is best left to dry earth.

Withered breasts, consultations,

two fetal snakes emerge from one egg

I will be stunted

and look around

at the clock.


Intravenous (Jousting Twins)

The Old must leave. Their dead skin, their surviving hairs, gather.

Wavering bodies barely able to sweat, the taste is timeless.

Knowing nothing anymore, dry tongues cannot spit…salt encrusts.

Will they loosen their parched grip on fading papers? They hold pots and saucepans with swollen knuckles at the ends of shaking wrists

boil meat into soup into water into steam.

Herbs soaking soaking soak into limp fronds from a deforest

eyes close

lids hide on shelves too high

Old bones move, sinewless- juices long evaporated

A woman bulges…copies and limbs unfold inside of her

She ignores the dusty fingers

Her bulge expands- lint gathers in navels

Everything weened on the other side of skin…pushing

and now you.

And the darkness came, rouged cheeks.

The many muscles of frowns tire.

Dishwashers numbed to the sound of breaking glass

they were free, pushing blistered feed into dirt on mountains.

The rain came

and left.

The first minutes after rain, the first thin sheet of water on pavement, the most dangerous

cautious drivers glide like surfers, but into poles

Steel pointing to the sky

And looking past the cloud of smoke from the smokestack,

the sky

Rubber balloons that will not disintegrate in oxygen

they fall to the sea, eventually

rubber was never meant to fly.

The clear warm weather, and people gather outside

and the rain comes, suddenly. They look up, turkeys drown like that.

And the light comes, reaches under rocks and blinds salamanders and eyeless worms.

Creatures, sliding into houses with only red dots blinking on blenders, green on toasters, white and blue on washers.

in jails only red on tasers

(for remaking criminals) The rain comes- it comes Shadows pool from under homes, under eyes. They reach the sea. High-rises twist into each other until they form one massive blackout

Dogs pant

drool dry spittle

Planes crash

tear across earth covered in cement

tear under the cement and tile and into dirt and worms

they freeze underneath

Frozen lakes, even with ski tracks, are safe for only the weightless

fingers working across the snow to find cracks

melting ice


I am hiding

My feet cast shadows on blank heat

And everything I run from- solely morality; mortality.

I stare into the hot sun

Footprints melt into fresh pavement, steaming tar, each step I inhale lines.

Morays shoot from their holes and tell stories as they burn on the pavement.

I am here. Hoarding warring.

Leaping from cesspool to cesspool- all under the same planet, on fire.

Saturn's rings spun and spun until they choked the gas out of the planet.

Now I hide in holes, under mountains of burning tires.

The sky, possessed, bleeding

My ways are limited- beached like bloated whales on other orbs.

Civilization, civilize, civilize civil

Cities cities cite site -



A tomb draws veils

A bass thumping thumping pushing out eardrums

And cranes swoop down their wiry cables snap mid-flight

Their beaks too long too narrow to open anymore

They bust through windows, canopies

slip through sand, pipes

they are powerless swans, they write on blackboards

swallowing sighs whole but saving the seeds for the criminals.

A death chant, a death chant spread through mossy rows

echoing from a bare-walled room, where black cranes roost

Their wingspans link from window to window to door, they leave no openings

Their death chant- silent, escaping puffs of steam from sealed lips,

Condensation of the bile from their sleep

They scatter as a fire engulfs their empty walls


Arson plucked each feather. A dry wind scattered black ashes

They mixed with the damp air, and dropped a coat on all the graves.


Three spiraled into one, and floods

Spread, they stretched

Through South Dakota, tearing down layers as deep

as the Himalayas.

Dry earth gasped, groaning from deep tissue.

The desert returned in silence, scarred


Ella, will you help us reclaim what had been taken?

Ella, a sound from your gut

Many short men clambered to take us

A time of churned soils spread, pocketed

We were dead souls, for those men

The spread us with the soil

Wove our ligaments into their fabrics for uniforms

Metal stamps on our body parts for identification

Mbiras, talk us into a flatland again


Euthanasia, I do it to yourself in a world

With locks melting over floors and sealing

Us in, we stand in rooms of disintegrating constitutions

We are sponges for the chants of gods

They trap us but we trap ourselves halfway through salutes,

A crown advances through puddles of vertebrae, still saluting


Disorders, returning swifter than victories

Float under bright ribbons, fine-tuned to triggers and gauges

They enter and adjust sights, they see bombs in

Cans leftover from bar-b-ques, on grass under magnolia trees, they obey

Orders from within to fling their twitching bodies to the ground

We stood on ledges and

Dipped open palms into the last of the floodwater

Shallow dust rose and we wondered about inhalation

Each of us fell under the mustard powder we burned we burned we burned

Habrá una nueva alba

Nunca más un México sin nosotros -Daedalus, we know the heat of the sun

The charred prince showed us, with his lighthouse

We know to build with walls, not bricks

Dry times on sweaty backs. We walk our lobsters indoors.

We don't sing we scat. We melt ourselves. We are under control.

Sweaty heat heat heat.

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© English 43b Class of Spring 2008