
Many researchers have been studying the effects of online communication on users' actions and relationships with others. As more people use the Internet for communication, the idea of disembodiment grows. The philosophy of disembodiment is a complicated one. The basic idea is that an individual does not have a physical or dimensional presence. Online, the individual you chat with is not physically with you, nor is he or she in your dimension. This concept changes the way many people act and communicate online. Moreover, without a physical body to speak with, it is difficult to interpret words because there are no evidences of facial expressions or body language. Most humans are accustomed to speaking to someone in person, so taking away such important factors can lead to miscommunication and out of character actions.

With these ideas in mind, many have begun to wonder if online communication is safe and reliable. There are many differences between disembodied and physical interaction. These differences, and their outcomes, will be discussed in the following pages.







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