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The Official Mint of AC/DC

Why is there a whole freaking page about altoids? I really have no clue. The madness all began on the AC/DC mailing list when Fred Park of Northwestern asked Danny what his favorite mint was. From then on, Altoids has been a running theme for many AC/DCers alike.

The evolution of altoids and AC/DC

From Danny Chai, on Wed, Feb. 7, 1996:
> What's his favorite breath mint?
From Fred Park, on Wed, Feb. 7, 1996:
Get with the program, man. Get some more females on this list. I realize that this is a difficult task to accomplish, judging by the literature I have read about Mr. Chai and his encounters with the fairer sex. If women are too hard to come by, let's get some more postings about mints. I could go for an Alto... I mean Mentos right now...
From Fred Park, on Sat, Feb. 24, 1996:
Hey, to those who are aware,
there is a page someone made devoted to Altoids, the mint of choice by dchai.


Incidentally, the guest password to the Anti-Danny Chai Club is "altoids".